Metabase Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
IAccessAttributeValue The IAccessAttributeValue interface is used to work with access attribute value.
IAccessControlEntry The IAccessControlEntry interface contains properties of an object's additional security parameter.
IAccessControlList The IAccessControlList interface contains properties and methods of a collection of object's additional security parameters.
IAccessElement The IAccessElement interface is used to work with element access permissions.
IAccessElementsIterator The IAccessElementsIterator interface is used to move by access elements in hierarchical view.
IAccessObjectSecurity The IAccessObjectSecurity interface is used to work with the access policy to the object.
IAccessToken The IAccessToken interface contains properties of the mandatory access control.
IAssembly The IAssembly interface contains properties of the Assembly development environment object.
IAuditFilter The IAuditFilter interface contains properties and methods of a filter of access protocol of security manager.
IAuditFilterCondition The IAuditFilterCondition interface contains properties of filter conditions of access protocol.
IAuditFilterObject The IAuditFilterObject interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with an object that stores an access protocol filter.
IAuditFilterObjects The IAuditFilterObjects interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of objects that store access protocol filters.
IAuditFiltersContainer The AuditFiltersContainer interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with filter container of access protocol.
IAuditLog The IAuditLog interface contains properties and methods of the access protocol (event log) of the security manager.
IAuditLogArchiveCallback The IAuditLogArchiveCallback interface contains a method that implements an event that occurs on saving access protocol records.
IAuditLogons The IAuditLogons interface contains properties and methods of a list of repository logons.
IAuditOperations The IAuditOperations interface contains properties and methods of security protocol records.
ICertCredentials The ICertCredentials interface contains properties of accounts used on connection with digital signature.
ICertificate The ICertificate interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with security certificate.
ICertificates The ICertificates interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of security certificates.
ICertProvider The ICertProvider interface contains properties and methods of certificate provider.
ICertSigner The ICertSigner interface contains properties and methods of digital signature signer.
ICertVerifier The ICertVerifier interface contains properties and methods of digital signature controller.
IConnectedUserInfo The IConnectedUserInfo interface contains properties of the user connected to repository.
IConnectedUserInfoEx The IConnectedUsersInfoEx interface contains properties of active users connected to repository.
IConnectedUsersInfo The IConnectedUsersInfo interface contains properties of a collection of users connected to repository.
IConnectedUsersInfoEx The IConnectedUsersInfoEx interface contains properties of a collection of users connected to repository.
IConnectionTransaction The IConnectionTransaction interface contains methods of transactions.
ICredentials The ICredentials interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with credentials of platform users.
ICredentialsEx The ICredentialsEx interface contains extended properties of user credentials.
ICredentialsRealm The ICredentialsRealm interface contains properties that are used to work with a collection of accounts.
ICredentialsSet The ICredentialsSet interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of credentials.

The ICryptoPackage is a cryptographic tool for text encryption/decryption based on the GOST 28147-89 algorithm.


The ICustomObjectResolver interface is used to work with custom class objects during update.

ICustomProperties The ICustomProperties interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of custom properties.
ICustomProperty The ICustomProperty interface contains properties that are used to work with a custom property.
IDatabaseInitExecuteSetup The IDatabaseInitExecuteSetup interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of databases, before connection to which the application macro is executed.
IDbClass The IDbClass interface contains properties of object class available in the platform.
IDbClasses The IDbClasses interface contains properties and methods of a collection of object classes available in the platform.
IDbDriver The IDbDriver interface contains properties of the DBMS driver supported in the platform.
IDbDrivers The IDbDrivers interface contains properties and methods of the DBMS drivers supported in the platform.
IDomain The IDomain interface contains properties that are used to work with a domain.
IDomainCredentials The IDomainCredentials interface contains properties and methods of credentials of active repository under domain authentication.
IDomains The IDomains interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of domains.
IDomainStations The IDomainStations interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of workstations that belong to domain.
IFolder The IFolder interface is a basic interface of the Folder repository object.
IForm The IForm interface contains properties of the Form development environment object.
IHashedPasswords The IHashedPasswords interface determines password hashing parameters.
ILogonHours The ILogonHours interface contains properties and methods that are used to restrict access time of the user during the day.
ILogonHoursPeriod The ILogonHoursPeriod interface contains properties of a period, in which user access time is restricted.
ILogonHoursPeriods The ILogonHoursPeriods interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of periods, in which user access time should be restricted.
ILogonHoursPolicy The ILogonHoursPolicy interface contains properties and methods that are used to manage the policy of user access to the platform by time.
ILogonParams The ILogonParams interface contains properties that are used to determine connection parameters.
ILogonPeriod The ILogonPeriod interface contains properties of the time interval, in which there is a user access restriction.
ILogonSession The ILogonSession interface contains properties and methods of the current session.
IMbElementDependencies The IMbElementDependencies interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of records about objects dependency on MDM dictionary elements.
IMbElementDependenciesDatabase The IMbElementDependenciesDatabase interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with dependencies of repository objects on MDM dictionary elements.
IMbElementDependency The IMbElementDependency interface contains properties that are used to work with a record about object dependency on MDM dictionary elements.
IMbElementDependencyTemplate The IMbElementDependencyTemplate interface contains properties that are used to work with the template that will be used to select objects dependencies.
IMbElementDependent The IMbElementDependent interface is used to work with dependencies records of MDM dictionary elements on repository objects.
IMbElementDependents The IMbElementDependents interface is used to work with a collection of dependencies records of MDM dictionary elements on repository objects.
IMbElementDependentsDatabase The IMbElementDependentsDatabase interface is used to work with dependencies of MDM dictionary elements on repository objects.
IMbElementDependentTemplate The IMbElementDependentTemplate interface is used to work with a dependencies template of MDM dictionary objects and elements on repository objects.
IMetabase The IMetabase interface contains properties and methods of a collection of repository objects.
IMetabaseAuditPolicy The IMetabaseAuditPolicy interface contains properties that are used to set up auditing by specific object classes.
IMetabaseAuditUserInfo The IMetabaseAuditUserInfo interface is used to work with a service user of security subsystem security descriptors.
IMetabaseAutoRun The IMetabaseAutoRun interface contains properties of the user autorun object.
IMetabaseCache The IMetabaseCache interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with repository cache.
IMetabaseCheckList The IMetabaseCheckList interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a list of objects, which checksums are verified.
IMetabaseCheckListItem The IMetabaseCheckListItem interface contains properties of the element contained in the checksums verification list.
IMetabaseClass The IMetabaseClass interface contains static properties and methods of the MetabaseClass class.
IMetabaseClassesSecurityDescriptors The IMetabaseClassesSecurityDescriptors interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of object types security descriptors.
IMetabaseClassSecurityDescriptor The IMetabaseClassSecurityDescriptor interface contains properties that are used to work with object types object.
IMetabaseCodeBlock The IMetabaseCodeBlock interface contains properties and methods of an object that is a Fore code block.
IMetabaseCustomClass The IMetabaseCustomClass interface contains properties that are used to work with a custom class.
IMetabaseCustomClasses The IMetabaseCustomClasses interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of custom classes.
IMetabaseCustomClassOperation The IMetabaseCustomClassOperation interface contains properties that are used to work with a custom class operation.
IMetabaseCustomClassOperations The IMetabaseCustomClassOperations interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of custom operations of a custom class.
IMetabaseCustomClassStandardOperations The IMetabaseCustomClassStandardOperations interface is used to work with the collection standard operations of a custom class.
IMetabaseCustomEvents The IMetabaseCustomEvents interface describes custom events that are handled on working in repository from web service.
IMetabaseCustomExtender The IMetabaseCustomExtender interface contains properties that are used to work with a container of repository custom classes.
IMetabaseCustomForeEvent The IMetabaseCustomForeEvent interface is used to work with a custom event.
IMetabaseCustomForeEvents The IMetabaseCustomForeEvents interface is used to work with a collection of custom events.
IMetabaseCustomObject The IMetabaseCustomObject interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a custom class object.
IMetabaseCustomObjectReader The IMetabaseCustomObjectReader interface contains properties and methods that are used to read data from a custom class object.
IMetabaseCustomObjectReference The IMetabaseCustomObjectReference interface contains properties that are used to work with a custom class object dependency.
IMetabaseCustomObjectReferences The IMetabaseCustomObjectReferences interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of custom class object dependencies.
IMetabaseCustomObjectSelSets The IMetabaseCustomObjectSelSets interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of dimensions selections linked to a custom class object.
IMetabaseCustomObjectSerializer The IMetabaseCustomObjectSerializer interface contains basic properties that are used to read and write custom class object data.
IMetabaseCustomObjectWriter The IMetabaseCustomObjectWriter interface contains properties and methods that are used to write data to a custom class object.
IMetabaseDefinition The IMetabaseDefinition interface contains properties and methods of repository description.
IMetabaseDefinitions The IMetabaseDefinitions interface contains properties and methods of a collection of descriptions of repositories registered on the workstation.
IMetabaseDeviceDescriptor The IMetabaseDeviceDescriptor interface is used to work with a device description.
IMetabaseDeviceDescriptors The IMetabaseDeviceDescriptors interface is used to work with a device descriptions collection.
IMetabaseDevicePolicy The IMetabaseObjectSecurity interface is used to work with parameters of printers available for printing.
IMetabaseGroup The IMetabaseGroup interface contains properties and methods of a group of users.
IMetabaseGroups The IMetabaseGroups interface contains properties of a collection of groups of users.
IMetabaseLink The IMetabaseLink interface contains properties of the Repository Connection object.
IMetabaseLinkBase The IMetabaseLinkBase interface contains basic properties used on repository connection.
IMetabaseLinkInstance The IMetabaseLinkInstance interface contains properties that are used to get access to the data of the repository, to which the connection is established by the Repository Connection.
IMetabaseLogonEvents The IMetabaseLogonEvents interface implements events on connecting to database.
IMetabaseManager The IMetabaseManager interface is used to work with the repository manager.
IMetabaseManagerFactory The IMetabaseManagerFactory interface contains static properties of the MetabaseManagerFactory class.
IMetabaseMandatoryAccess The IMetabaseMandatoryAccess interface contains properties and methods of mandatory access.
IMetabaseObject The IMetabaseObject interface contains properties and methods of a repository object.
IMetabaseObjectCache The IMetabaseObjectCache interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with repository object cache.
IMetabaseObjectCacheItem The IMetabaseObjectCacheItem interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a record in object cache.
IMetabaseObjectControl The IMetabaseObjectControl interface contains properties and methods that are used to manage nested object parameters.
IMetabaseObjectControlInfo The IMetabaseObjectControlInfo interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a nested objects collection.
IMetabaseObjectCopyInfo The IMetabaseObjectCopyInfo interface contains properties that determine parameters of repository object copying or moving.
IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo The IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo interface contains properties that are used to set parameters of created object.
IMetabaseObjectDescriptor The IMetabaseObjectDescriptor interface contains properties and methods of repository object description.
IMetabaseObjectDescriptors The IMetabaseObjectDescriptors interface contains properties and methods of a collection of metadata database objects descriptions.
IMetabaseObjectFindInfo The IMetabaseObjectFindInfo interface contains properties that are used to set conditions for search of repository objects.
IMetabaseObjectHistory The IMetabaseObjectHistory interface contains properties of history of repository object change.
IMetabaseObjectHistoryItem The IMetabaseObjectHistoryItem interface contains properties of history records of object change.
IMetabaseObjectInstance The IMetabaseObjectInstance interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with an opened instance of repository object.
IMetabaseObjectName The IMetabaseObjectName interface is used to work with an object name.
IMetabaseObjectNames The IMetabaseObjectNames interface is used to work with object names.
IMetabaseObjectParam The IMetabaseObjectParam interface contains properties of repository object parameters.
IMetabaseObjectParamBinding The IMetabaseObjectParamBinding interface contains properties and methods of elements for setting up displaying of repository object parameters.
IMetabaseObjectParamControl The IMetabaseObjectParamControl interface contains properties that are used to set up binding of nested object parameter with current object parameters.
IMetabaseObjectParamLink The IMetabaseObjectParamLink interface is used to set up a parameter link with a global variable.
IMetabaseObjectParams The IMetabaseObjectParams interface contains properties and methods of a collection of repository objects parameters.
IMetabaseObjectParamsUpdate The IMetabaseObjectParamsUpdate interface is used to work with repository object parameters after the IMetabaseObjectParams.BeginUpdate method is called.
IMetabaseObjectParamValue The IMetabaseObjectParamValue interface contains properties of values of repository object parameters.
IMetabaseObjectParamValues The IMetabaseObjectParamValues interface contains properties and methods of a collection of values of repository object parameters.
IMetabaseObjectParamValuesEx The IMetabaseObjectParamValuesEx interface is used to pass the additional state used on opening a regular report for view.
IMetabaseObjectSecurity The IMetabaseObjectSecurity interface is used to work with a policy of access to an object.
IMetabaseOnBeforeLogonArgs The IMetabaseOnBeforeLogonArgs interface describes the argument of the event that occurs on repository connection using web service.
IMetabasePasswordPolicy The IMetabasePasswordPolicy interface contains properties and methods that are used to set up password security policy.
IMetabasePolicy The IMetabasePolicy interface contains properties and methods that are used to set up repository security policy.
IMetabaseSecurity The IMetabaseSecurity interface contains properties and methods that are used to set up parameters of repository security manager.
IMetabaseSecurityExporter The IMetabaseSecurityExporter interface is used to export settings of security policy and access permissions.
IMetabaseSecuritySubjectUpdateSetup The IMetabaseSecuritySubjectUpdateSetup interface is used to set up repository user update options.
IMetabaseUpdate The IMetabaseUpdate interface contains properties and methods of the platform update manager.
IMetabaseUpdateAbacRulesNode The IMetabaseUpdateAbacRulesNode interface contains properties and methods of attribute-based access control in the update.
IMetabaseUpdateCommentNode The IMetabaseUpdateCommentNode interface contains properties determining update options for comments.
IMetabaseUpdateDataObjectNode The IMetabaseUpdateDataObjectNode interface contains properties that determine update options of repository objects that contain data.
IMetabaseUpdateDeleteObjectNode The IMetabaseUpdateDeleteObjectNode interface contains properties that determine update options for the object, which deletes repository objects update object.
IMetabaseUpdateFolderNode The IMetabaseUpdateFolderNode interface contains properties and methods of update structure.
IMetabaseUpdateKeyMap The IMetabaseUpdateKeyMap interface is used to work with a map of keys used for repeated mapping of update objects.
IMetabaseUpdateMandatoryAccess The IMetabaseUpdateMandatoryAccess interface contains parameters of the mandatory access to the update.
IMetabaseUpdateNode The IMetabaseUpdateNode interface contains update object properties.
IMetabaseUpdateObject The IMetabaseUpdateObject interface is used to work with the Update repository object.
IMetabaseUpdateObjectExParams The IMetabaseUpdateObjectExParams interface is a basic one to set up advanced update options of an object.
IMetabaseUpdateObjectNode The IMetabaseUpdateObjectNode interface contains properties of update object connected with repository object.

The IMetabaseUpdateObjectNodes interface contains properties that are uses to work with a collection of update objects for repository objects.

IMetabaseUpdateObjectRemapping The IMetabaseUpdateObjectRemapping interface is used for work with parameters of repeated mapping of repository object in update and in destination repository.
IMetabaseUpdateProgress The IMetabaseUpdateProgress interface contains methods that implement the events that occur during update of objects in the repository.
IMetabaseUpdateProgressData The IMetabaseUpdateProgressData interface contains properties that are used to get information about update process.
IMetabaseUpdateProperties The IMetabaseUpdateProperties interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of update flags.
IMetabaseUpdateProperty The IMetabaseUpdateProperty interface contains update flag properties.
IMetabaseUpdateRemapping The IMetabaseUpdateRemapping interface is used to work with parameters of repeated element mapping in update and in destination repository.
IMetabaseUpdateRemappings The IMetabaseUpdateRemappings interface is used to work with a collection of repeated mappings of elements in update and in destination repository.
IMetabaseUpdateResolver The IMetabaseUpdateResolver interface contains properties that are used to work with a collection of update dependencies from resource repository objects that are absent in destination repository.
IMetabaseUpdateSecuritySubjectNode The IMetabaseUpdateSecuritySubjectNode interface contains properties of the Security Subject.
IMetabaseUpdateSpecialObjectsNode The IMetabaseUpdateSpecialObjectsNode interface contains properties that determine update options of special repository objects.
IMetabaseUpdateSqlNode The IMetabaseUpdateSqlNode interface contains properties of the SQL Command update object.
IMetabaseUpdateUnresolved The IMetabaseUpdateUnresolved interface contains properties that are used to work with update dependency on source repository object that is absent in destination repository.
IMetabaseUpdateUserEvents The IMetabaseUpdateUserEvents interface contains methods implementing the events that occur during object update in repository and used in the update unit.
IMetabaseUser The IMetabaseUser interface contains properties and methods of repository user.
IMetabaseUsers The IMetabaseUsers interface contains properties that are used to work with a collection of repository users.
IMetabaseUsersUpdate The IMetabaseUsersUpdate interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of users, whose information should be updated.
IMetabaseUsersUpdateCallback The IMetabaseUsersUpdateCallback interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the operation executed on occurrence of a critical error on updating users.
IMetabaseUsersUpdateError The IMetabaseUsersUpdateError interface contains properties of user update error.
IMetabaseUsersUpdateErrors The IMetabaseUsersUpdateErrors interface contains properties and methods of collections of errors, occurring on updating users.
IModule The IModule interface contains basic properties of development environment units and forms.
IMsSqlUserSPUD The IMsSqlUserSPUD interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of repository user created on the basis of MSSQL DBMS.
INamedEntity The INamedEntity interface is a basic one for some interfaces and determines object properties.
IObjectCheckOutInfo The IObjectCheckOutInfo interface contains properties that are used to work with a collection of records about repository object lock.
IObjectCheckOutInfoUser The IObjectCheckOutInfoUser interface contains properties that are used to get information about repository object lock.
IOperationCallback The IOperationCallback interface is used to determine operations executed when a conflict occurs during loading of filters container of access protocol.
IOracleUserSPUD The IOracleUserSPUD interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of repository user created on the basis of Oracle DBMS.
IPasswordCredentials The IPasswordCredintials interface contains properties and methods of active repository credentials under password authentication.
IPasswordHistory The IPasswordHistory interface contains methods that are used to work with a history of user passwords.
IPostgresUserSPUD The IPostgresUserSPUD interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the repository user created on the basis of PostgreSQL DBMS.
IPrimaryDB2SPLD The IPrimaryDB2SPLD interface contains properties and methods of the security unit that is used when connecting to the repository that is placed on the DB2 server.
IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD The IPrimaryMsSqlODBCSPLD interface contains properties and methods of the security unit used on connecting to repository via Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver.
IPrimaryMsSqlSPLD The IPrimaryMsSqlSPLD interface contains properties and methods of a security module used on connecting to a schema located on Microsoft SQL Server server.
IPrimaryODBCSPLD The IPrimaryODBCSPLD interface contains properties and methods of the security unit used on connecting to data sources using one of the ODBC drivers installed in the operating system.
IPrimaryOracleSPLD The IPrimaryOracleSPLD interface contains properties and methods of a security unit used on connecting to the repository located on Oracle server.
IPrimaryPostgresSPLD The IPrimaryPostgresSPLD interface contains properties and methods of the security module that are used on connecting to servers based on PostgreSQL DBMS.
IPrimaryServiceSPLD The IPrimaryServiceSPLD interface contains properties and methods of a security unit used on connecting to the repository via the platform web service.
IPrimarySQLiteSPLD The IPrimarySQLiteSPLD interface contains properties and methods of a security unit used on connecting to the repository located in an embeddable SQLite DBMS.
IPrimaryTeradataSPLD The IPrimaryTeradataSPLD interface contains properties and methods of a security unit used on connecting to the repository located on Teradata server.
IPrivilege The IPrivilege interface contains properties and methods of security manager privilege.
IScPack The IScPack interface contains properties of the platform security package.
IScPacks The IScPacks interface contains properties and methods of a platform security packages collection.
ISearchEngineServiceBase The ISearchEngineServiceBase interface contains basic properties and methods that are used to work with search service.
ISearchEngineServiceFactory The ISearchEngineServiceFactory interface contains a method to initialize a new search service.
ISecurityCategory The ISecurityCategory interface contains properties and methods of security categories of mandatory access.
ISecurityConnection The ISecurityConnection interface contains properties and methods of connection with DB server.
ISecurityConnection2 The ISecurityConnection2 interface is used to work with specific connection with DB server.
ISecurityConnection3 The ISecurityConnection3 interface describes the connection with the DB server, after connecting to which the application macro was executed.
ISecurityDescriptor The ISecurityDescriptor interface contains properties and methods of security description of object or object type.
ISecurityDocumentLabel The ISecurityDocumentLabel interface is used to work with security label that is used to mark objects during print and export while mandatory access is activated.
ISecurityLabels The ISecurityLabels interface contains properties of security label parameters.
ISecurityLevel The ISecurityLevel interface is used to work with security level properties.
ISecurityPackage The ISecurityPackage interface contains security unit properties and methods.
ISecurityPackageLogonData The ISecurityPackageLogonData interface contains basic properties of repository security unit parameters.
ISecurityPackageLogonDataEx The ISecurityPackageLogonDataEx interface contains additional properties of repository security unit parameters.
ISecurityPackageUserData The ISecurityPackageUserData interface contains properties that are used to determine security parameters of repository user.
ISecuritySnapshot The ISecuritySnapshot interface is used when the backup of the security policy is executed.
ISecuritySnapshotCallback The ISecuritySnapshotCallback interface contains methods that implement the events that occur on restoring security policy settings from backup.
ISecuritySnapshotLog The ISecuritySnapshotLog interface returns the log of security policy contour application.
ISecuritySubject The ISecuritySubject interface contains basic properties and methods that are used to work with a security subject.
ISecuritySubjects The ISecuritySubjects interface contains properties of a collection of platform security subjects.
ISecuritySubjectsSearch The ISecuritySubjectsSearch interface contains properties and methods that are used to search for security subjects.
ISid The ISid interface contains properties of a security subject identifier.
ISidEx The ISidEx interface contains extended properties of a security subject identifier.
ISpecialObjects The ISpecialObjects interface contains properties that are used to work with a collection of special repository objects.
ISQLiteUserSPUD The ISQLiteUserSPUD interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the repository user created on the basis of SQLite DBMS.
IStation The IStation interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a workstation.
IStations The IStations interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of workstations.
IStringFilterCondition The IStringFilterCondition interface is used to work with the condition of access protocol filtering by particular object.
ISysLogSettings The ISysLogSettings interface contains syslog server connection parameters.
ITeradataUserSPUD The ITeradataUserSPUD interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of the repository used created on the basis of Teradata DBMS.
IUserEmail The IUserEmail interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with an email record.
IUserEmails The IUserEmails interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of email records.
IUserProfile The IUserProfile interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine user profile parameters.
IUserProfileProperties The IUserProfileProperties interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of additional properties of the user.
IUserProfileProperty The IUserProfileProperty interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of additional property of the user.
IUserProfiles The IUserProfiles interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a collection of user profiles.
IVcsParams The IVcsParams interface contains properties that are used to determine settings of repository connection to version control system.
IWebForm The IWebForm interface contains properties of the Web Form development environment object.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Enumerations | Metabase Assembly Classes | Examples