

The ILogonParams interface contains properties used to determine link parameters.


  Property name Brief description
Creds The Creds property determines the user's credentials, which connectivity needs checking.
Data The Data property determines the data that security module uses to check connection.
Descr The Descr property determines description of the repository, connection to which is checked.
ErrorException The ErrorException property determines description of the exception occurred on entering the system.
MetabaseCompatible The MetabaseCompatible property returns whether the user's credentials, specified when entering the system, can be used for connecting with the database.
NoAsk The NoAsk property determines whether connection is automatic.
NoCache The NoCache property determines whether credentials are cached.
OK The OK property determines whether the OK button is clicked in the authorization dialog box.
Pack The Pack property determines the security module, used when checking the connection.
Realm The Realm property determines connection realm.
ReportError The ReportError property determines whether the displaying of the error message on the incorrect username/password is set.
ToAdmin The ToAdmin property determines whether the specified credentials are used as administrator's credentials when checking the connection.
UseMetabaseLogonCredentials The UseMetabaseLogonCredentials property determines whether the user's credentials, specified when entering the system, are used to connect with the database.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces