

The IMetabaseDefinition interface contains properties and methods of repository description.


The description of the repository contains the parameters of the DBMS server, on which the repository is located, the parameters of connection to the version control system, and advanced settings determining modes of working with objects of the development environment.

Description of the repository also supports the IMetabaseLink interface.


  Property name Brief description
AuxProjPath The AuxProjPath property determines the line used for connecting to the version control server when working in the repository.
CheckCustomEvents The CheckCustomEvents property determines whether custom events on working in repository will be monitored using web service.
CompileAssemblyOnly The CompileAssemblyOnly property determines whether compilation of forms/modules is possible beyond assemblies.
DebugMode The DebugMode property determines whether assemblies are cached on the local drive only.
Id The Id property determines the repository description identifier.
Manager The Manager property enables getting the manager, in which the repository, corresponding to the current description, is registered.
Name The Name property determines the repository description name.
Scope The Scope property determines location, where repository settings are stored.
VcsLocalPath The VcsLocalPath property determines the folder on the drive that stores local files of objects.
VcsName The VcsName property determines a version control system type.

Properties inherited from IMetabaseLinkBase

  Property name Brief description


The Authentication property determines a type of authentication that is used during the connection.


The DeferredLoading property determines whether the deferred loading of object description on working in the repository is executed.


The DriverId property determines an identifier of the database driver, using which the connection is established.


The LogonData property determines additional parameters of the security module that contains the settings used during connection.


The SecurityPackage property determines an identifier of the security package.


  Method name Brief description
Open The Open method performs connection to the repository according to the specified parameters.
OpenDefault The OpenDefault method performs connection to the repository according to settings by default.
Save The Save method enables the user to save repository description.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces