
Assembly: Metabase;


The IAuditLogons interface contains properties and methods of a list of logons in repository.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
Comment The Comment property returns comment to this session.
CommentOut The CommentOut property returns a message that the user was disconnected.
Session The Session property returns session key.
Stamp The Stamp property returns date and time of the entry into the repository.
StampOut The StampOut property returns date and time of the escape from the repository.
Station The Station property returns a name of the workstation from which the connection to the repository was established.
Succeeded The Succeeded property returns whether connection to the repository is successful.
UserDescription The UserDescription property returns the full name of the user of the platform.
UserIP The UserIP property returns the IP-address of the computer from which the connection to the repository was established.
UserName The UserName property returns the name of the user, under which the connection to the platform is performed.
UserOS The UserOS property returns a name of the operating system user.
UserSid The UserSid property returns an identifier of the user security subject.

Properties inherited from IDalCursor

  Property name Brief description
Command The Command property returns the object that is used to work with the database using SQL queries.
Fields The Fields property returns the collection of fields of the cursor that was received after executing an SQL query.

Methods inherited from IDalCursor

  Method name Brief description
Close The Close method closes the cursor.
Eof The Eof method returns whether the current record is the last one in the table that was received after executing the command on the database server.
Next The Next method implements transition to the next record in the table that was received after executing the command on the database server.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces