
Assembly: Metabase;


The IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo interface contains properties used to set parameters of created object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
ClassId The ClassId property determines a class of the repository object to be created.
DefaultId The DefaultId property returns the default repository object identifier.
DefaultName The DefaultName property returns the default repository object name.
ElementDependenciesTrackingType The ElementDependenciesTrackingType property determines a type of the tracking of connections between repository objects.
Id The Id property determines an identifier of the repository object that is created.
IsInternal The IsInternal property returns whether an internal repository object is created.
IsShortcut The IsShortcut property determines whether a shortcut is created for the existing repository object.
IsTemporary The IsTemporary property determines whether a temporary repository object is created.
KeepEdit The KeepEdit property determines whether the repository object is in the edit state after creation.
Link The Link property determines a connection with repository.
Name The Name property determines a name of the repository object that is created.
Parent The Parent property determines a folder, in which the created repository object will be placed.
Permanent The Permanent property determines whether a permanent repository object is created.
Shortcut The Shortcut property determines the repository object for which the shortcut should be created.
SkipIdFormatCheck The SkipIdFormatCheck property determines whether the check of correspondence of repository object identifier to the set format of identifiers is skipped.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces