

The ISecurityPackage interface contains properties and methods of security module.


  Property name Brief description
CertProvider The CertProvider property returns certificate provider.
Id The Id property returns the identifier of the security unit.
Name The Name property returns the name of the security unit.


  Method name Brief description
CopyCredentials The CopyCredentials method copies account from the object that is represented as an input parameter.
CreateCredentials The CreateCredentials method creates credentials of the repository with the specified authentication type.
CreateLogonData The CreateLogonData method returns the object that contains properties of the security unit parameters.
GetAdminCredentials The GetAdminCredentials method creates credentials of the administrator in accordance with parameters of the specified connection.
IsCompatibleDriver The IsCompatibleDriver method returns whether the current security unit supports the specified database driver.
PerformLogon The PerformLogon method returns the object that contains a new connection with the database server.
SupportsAuthentication The SupportsAuthentication method indicates whether the current security unit supports the specified kind of authentication.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces