

The IMetabaseUpdateUnresolved interface contains properties that are used to work with update dependency from source repository object that is absent in destination repository.


  Property name Brief description
ClassId The ClassId property returns the class identifier of the dependent object that does not exist in destination repository.
Description The Description property returns the description of the dependent object that does not exist in destination repository.
Id The Id property returns the of the dependent object that does not exist in destination repository.
IsRequired The IsRequired property determines whether an error (forbidden link) is handled during update.
KeepResolve The KeepResolve property determines whether to replace the source repository object with the ResolveObject object.
Key The Key property returns the key of the dependent object that does not exist in destination repository.
Name The Name property returns the name of the dependent object that does not exist in destination repository.
ResolveObject The ResolveObject property determines an object in destination repository that replaces source repository object.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces