

The IPrimaryMsSqlSPLD interface contains properties and methods of a security module used on connecting to a schema located on Microsoft SQL Server server.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
Database The Database property determines an identifier of the database on the MS SQL server, in which repository data is stored.
DatabaseOnly The DatabaseOnly property determines a database identifier on the MS SQL server. The property is relevant if a user schema in database is used.
ODBCParams The ODBCParams property determines a string of additional parameter values.
FileGroup The FileGroup property determines a file group for creating tables.
SchemaOnly The SchemaOnly property determines a user schema identifier in database.
Server The Server property determines the alias, under which the MS SQL server is registered.

Properties inherited from ISecurityPackageLogonData

  Property name Brief description
IsUnicode The IsUnicode property returns whether the Unicode encoding is used.
LogonEvent The LogonEvent property determines the use of events when connecting to the repository.
ParamCount The ParamCount property returns the number of security unit parameters.
ParamName The ParamName property returns the name of the security unit parameter.
ParamValue The ParamValue property determines a value of the security unit parameter.
Unicode The Unicode property determines whether to use the Unicode encoding.
Valid The Valid property returns whether security unit parameters are correct.

Methods inherited from ISecurityPackageLogonData

  Property name Brief description
Clone The Clone method returns an object that contains a copy of the security unit parameters.
DbObjectO The DbObjectO method returns identifier of the object with the prefix that corresponds to the current repository.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces