

The ISecurityPackageLogonData interface contains basic properties of parameters of repository security module.


Security module parameters return the following properties:

These properties can also be cast to the following interfaces for which ISecurityPackageLogonData is basic:

The ISecurityPackage.CreateLogonData method provides a possibility to initialize a new set of security module parameters for a particular DBMS.

The ISecurityPackageLogonDataEx interface properties set additional parameters of security module.


  Property name Brief description
IsUnicode The IsUnicode property returns whether the Unicode encoding is used.
LogonEvent The LogonEvent property determines the use of events when connecting to the repository.
ParamCount The ParamCount property returns the number of security unit parameters.
ParamName The ParamName property returns the name of the security unit parameter.
ParamValue The ParamValue property determines a value of the security unit parameter.
Unicode The Unicode property determines whether to use the Unicode encoding.
Valid The Valid property returns whether security unit parameters are correct.


  Property name Brief description
Clone The Clone method returns an object that contains a copy of the security unit parameters.
DbObjectO The DbObjectO method returns identifier of the object with the prefix that corresponds to the current repository.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces