

The ISecurityLevel interface is used to work with properties of security level.


  Property name Brief description
Category The Category property returns the security category, under which the current security level is created.
CriticalityLabel The CriticalityLabel property returns the criticality label in a security level.
Description The Description property determines description, that will be used when marking the objects during printing and export.
ExportAllowed The ExportAllowed property determines whether to enable the exporting of objects with this security level.
Index The Index property returns the level index in the security category.
Marking The Marking property determines whether the object marking is enabled when exporting and printing for the objects of this security level.
Name The Name property returns the level name in the security category.
PrintAllowed The PrintAllowed property determines whether to enable the printing of objects with this security level.
TreatSectionAsDocument The TreatSectionAsDocument property determines whether to treat the object sections as separate documents during the document marking.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces