
Assembly: Metabase;


The IUserProfiles interface contains properties and methods for working with the collection of the user profiles.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Profiles contain the information about e-mail addresses, corresponding to the users and additional information about users. The collection of profiles can be obtained by using the following properties:


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of profiles in the collection.
Item The Item property determines the parameters of the profile by index.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds the profile of the specified user to the collection.
AddStr The AddStr method adds to the collection the profile with the specified name and binding to the security subject with the specified security identifier.
FindByStrSid The FindByStrSid method searches the profile by the security identifier of the user.
Remove The Remove method removes the profile of the user by index.
RemoveByStrSid The RemoveByStrSid method removes the profile by the security administrator of the user.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces