

The IMetabaseCustomObjectReader interface contains properties and methods used to read data from an object of a custom class.

Properties inherited from IMetabaseCustomObjectSerializer

  Property name Brief description
ElementDependencies The ElementDependencies property determines a collection of the dependencies of the custom class object on the elements of the MDM dictionaries.
Object The Object property returns the object, with the data of which the work is executed.
References The References property returns object dependencies.
Selections The Selections property returns the collection of selections of the dimensions linked with a custom class object.


  Method name Brief description
Load The Load method downloads data from repository to an object in PC memory.
ReadToFile The ReadToFile method reads data from the custom class object and loads it to the specified file.
ReadToStream The ReadToStream method reads data from the custom class object and loads it to the specified stream.
ReadToXML The ReadToXML method reads data from the custom class object in the XML format and loads it to the specified variable.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces