

The IMetabaseUpdateObjectNode interface contains properties that determine parameters of repository objects update.

Inheritance Hierarchy




To get object of this type, use the IMetabaseUpdateObjectNodes.Item property.


  Property name Brief description


The AccessToken property returns the object access label saved in update.
AccessTokenOptions The AccessTokenOptions property determines options for saving access label settings on saving object update options.
Acl The Acl property returns the list of access control to the object saved in update.
AlterType The AlterType property determines when the object will be recreated on the DBMS level.
ApplyState The ApplyState property returns parameters of object readiness to updating.
BoundType The BoundType property determines an update type.
Constraint The Constraint property determines a method for object updating.
DependenciesObjects The DependenciesObjects property returns dependent objects.
ExtendedParams The ExtendedParams property determines additional parameters of the objects updating.
ForceKeepId The ForceKeepId property determines whether the identifier change is canceled when updating existing objects.
ForceUniqueId The ForceUniqueId property determines whether the new unique object identifier is generated if the identifiers of the objects match in the update and in the repository.
IncludeChildrenDependencies The IncludeChildrenDependencies property determines whether the child objects should be included in the update.
IncludeData The IncludeData property indicates whether the object data is included in update.
IncludeScreenshot The IncludeScreenshot property determines whether object preview image is included in update.
IsUnderUpdateRoot The IsUnderUpdateRoot property returns whether the update object is located in the IMetabaseUpdate.RootFolder root.
KeepNativeNames The KeepNativeNames property determines whether object physical name is saved on object update.
Object The Object property determines description of the repository object, with which the object being updated is connected.
ObjectId The ObjectId property determines an identifier of the object to be updated.
ObjectName The ObjectName property determines a name of the object to be updated.
ObjectOldKey The ObjectOldKey property returns the old object key.
OriginalMetabase The OriginalMetabase property returns repository identifier of updated object.
Parent The Parent property returns the parent object.


The SDApplyLog property returns the log including access permission modifications.
UnboundType The UnboundType property determines a type of update for replication.
UpdateOrder The UpdateOrder property determines the order of updating of objects data.
UpdatePart The UpdatePart property determines a method for object data updating.
UpdateType The UpdateType property determines a type of repository object updating.
Version The Version property returns updated object version.

Properties inherited from IMetabaseUpdateNode

  Property name Brief description
Condition The Condition property returns the condition, which execution leads to object update.
CustomProperties The CustomProperties property returns the collection of custom metadata of update object.
Enabled The Enabled property determines whether the object should be updated.
Index The Index property returns the update object index.
Key The Key property returns the update object key.
Label The Label property determines an update object name.
NodeType The NodeType property returns the update object type.
ParentNode The ParentNode property returns the parent structure for the update object.

Methods inherited from IMetabaseUpdateNode

  Method name Brief description
Prepare The Prepare method prepares the object for update.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces