
Assembly: Metabase;


The ISecurityConnection interface contains properties and methods of DB server connection.

Inheritance Hierarchy



The connection described by the ISecurityConnection interface can also be cast to the ISecurityConnection2 and ISecurityConnection3 interfaces.


  Property name Brief description
Checks The Checks property returns the cursor with constraints metadata for the specified table.
Columns The Columns property returns the cursor containing system information about fields of the specified table.
Driver The Driver property returns the DB driver identifier, with which this connection is established.
Indexes The Indexes property returns the cursor containing system information about indexes of the specified table.
LogonData The LogonData property returns parameters of the security unit used when creating this connection.
Procedures The Procedures property returns the cursor containing system information about the specified procedure.
RealDriver The RealDriver property returns the real driver used for database connection.
SingleUserMode The SingleUserMode property returns whether single user mode is used in database server.
Tables The Tables property returns the cursor containing system information about the specified table.
Triggers The Triggers property returns the cursor containing system information about triggers of the specified table.
UserIsAdmin The UserIsAdmin property returns whether the current connection is created using administrator credentials.
UserIsNT The UserIsNT property returns whether the current connection is created using domain user credentials.
UserNameDb The UserNameDb property returns the user name, under whom the connection is established, according to user parameters in the database.
UserNameLo The UserNameLo property returns the user name, under whom the connection is established, according to user parameters in the security manager.
UserSid The UserSid property returns the security subject identifier as a string.
Views The Views property returns the cursor containing system information about the specified view.


  Method name Brief description
CreateCommand The CreateCommand method creates a new object used for working with the DB by means of SQL queries.
CreateCommandO The CreateCommandO creates a new object that is used to work with database using SQL queries in the specified mode.
DbObject The DbObject method returns the identifier of the object with prefix of the database that corresponds to the current repository.
Discover The Discover method returns the selected cursor type containing information about repository DBMS objects.
InTransaction The InTransaction method returns whether transaction is unfinished.
IsDisconnected The IsDisconnected method returns whether connection with DB server is disconnected.
OpenSame The OpenSame method opens a new connection with the DB server with the same parameters as in the current connection.
StartTransaction The StartTransaction method initiates a new transaction with DB.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces