

The ILogonSession interface contains properties and methods of a current session.


  Property name Brief description
Credentials The Credentials property determines the credentials set within the current session, which will be used in work with objects.
Groups The Groups property returns the object, containing all work groups, which the current repository user contains.
Key The Key property returns a key of the current repository session.
LogonCredentials The LogonCredentials property returns credentials, used for logging on.
LogonData The LogonData property returns the parameters of a security module that were used when logging on the repository.
PrimaryConnection The PrimaryConnection property returns the object, containing current connection with the repository.
User The User property returns information about the current repository user.
UserDescription The UserDescription property returns full user name to write it into the access protocol.
UserIP The UserIP property returns a workstation IP-address to write it into the access protocol.
UserOS The UserOS property returns the OS user name to write it into the access protocol.
UserStation The UserStation property returns the user workstation name that is used for writing into the access protocol.
UserToken The UserToken property returns parameters of mandatory access of the current user.


  Method name Brief description
CreateLogonParams The CreateLogonParams method creates parameters that are used in checking connection possibility.
OnLogon The OnLogon method checks connection possibility and sets relevant parameters values.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces