

Credentials(Realm: String; [ToAdmin: Boolean = False]): ICredentials;


Realm is a credentials realm. The identifier of a repository object - Database - should be specified as a parameter value. The specified credentials are used while working with this database. If the "$SYSTEM" value is passed as a parameter value, the specified credentials are used while working with security manager (working with users).

ToAdmin is a parameter that defines using of credentials as administrator's credentials. By default the property is assigned the False value, and credentials are used as credentials of an ordinary user. If the True value is passed, credentials are used as administrator's ones.


The Credentials property determines the credentials set within the current session, which will be used in work with objects.


Working with relational objects requires credentials that are used for authorization when connecting to the server. Such credentials can be specified in settings of the corresponding repository database. If credentials are not specified in database settings, addressing the object for the first time displays a dialog box to enter credentials. If the connection is successful, credentials are cached and used in future when working with other objects that use the same database. Credentials are cached within the same repository connection.

Using this property one can specify credentials that will be applied when working with relational objects (or when working with the security manager), that are configured to work with the database specified in the Realm parameter.

Certain operations (for example, table creation) require administrator's credentials. The ToAdmin parameter value should be considered in this case.

See also:
