
Assembly: Metabase;


The IAuditOperations interface is used to work with records of security protocol.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
Comment The Comment property returns a note to an operation on the object.
DateOrderAsccending The DateOrderAsccending property returns the order of access protocol sorting by date.
IsLogon The IsLogon property returns whether the operation matches repository logon.
IsObjectLabelSupported The IsObjectLabelSupported property returns whether a criticality label, corresponding to an access level, is set for the object, on which the operation is executed.
Level The Level property returns nesting level of an operation.
Logon The Logon property returns the entry to the repository, to which this operation corresponds.
Mask The Mask property returns an operation mask.
Name The Name property returns a name of the operation on the object.
ObjectClass The ObjectClass property returns a class index of the object, on which the operation was performed.
ObjectId The ObjectId property returns an identifier of the object, on which the operation was performed.
ObjectKey The ObjectKey property returns a key of the object, on which the operation was performed.
ObjectLabel The ObjectLabel property returns the criticality label, corresponding to an access level of the object, on which the operation was performed.
ObjectName The ObjectName property returns a name of the object, on which the operation was performed.
Operation The Operation property returns an operation number.
Position The Position property returns the number of operation execution relatively to the operation that is connected with the dependent object.
Session The Session property returns the key of the session, in which the operation was executed.
Stamp The Stamp property returns date and time of operation. The date is viewed in the system format of dates.
Succeeded The Succeeded property returns whether the operation execution succeeded.

Properties inherited from IDalCursor

  Property name Brief description
Command The Command property returns the object that is used to work with the database using SQL queries.
Fields The Fields property returns the collection of fields of the cursor that was received after executing an SQL query.

Methods inherited from IDalCursor

  Method name Brief description
Close The Close method closes the cursor.
Eof The Eof method returns whether the current record is the last one in the table that was received after executing the command on the database server.
Next The Next method implements transition to the next record in the table that was received after executing the command on the database server.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces