
Assembly: Metabase;


The IMetabaseUser interface contains properties and methods of repository user.

Inheritance Hierarchy




To work with the collection of repository users, use the IMetabaseUsers interface.


  Property name Brief description
Attributes The Attributes property returns system and custom user attributes.
AutoRun The AutoRun property returns the autorun object for the user.
CannotChangePassword The CannotChangePassword property determines whether the change of password is prohibited.
Certificate The Certificate property assigns valid certificate to user used to login.
EternalPassword The EternalPassword property determines whether password has expiry date.
External The External property determines whether the new user connected from the server is created.
FullName The FullName property determines a full user name.
IsAdmin The IsAdmin property returns whether the user corresponds to the application administrator of the repository.
IsDeferred The IsDeferred property returns the attribute of the lazy loading of description of the user.
IsIsa The IsIsa property returns whether the user corresponds to the information security administrator of the repository.
IsLocked The IsLocked property determines lock of the account of the specified user.
IsTemporary The IsTemporary property returns whether the user has a temporary user account.
LastLoginStamp The LastLoginStamp property returns date of the last login.
LockedState The LockedState property determines a state of the user lock.
ManageDBGrants The ManageDBGrants property determines whether the current user will be granted the permissions on DBMS level.
MaxLogonSessions The MaxLogonSessions property determines the maximum number of concurrent repository logins for the user.
MustChangePasswordAtNextLogon The MustChangePasswordAtNextLogon property determines the attribute of password change request during the next user login.
PackageData The PackageData property returns the data package for the specified user.
PasswordChangedUser The PasswordChangedUser property returns the name of the user who requested the password change.
PasswordHistory The PasswordHistory property returns the user passwords history.
Printers The Printers property returns the list of printers set in the security policy and available to the user.
ShortName The ShortName property determines a short identifier of Oracle domain user.
Profile The Profile property returns the user profile.
StationIPs The StationIPs property returns the collection of the IP addresses of the computers, from which user access is granted.
StationMACs The StationMACs property returns the collection of the MAC addresses of the computers, from which user access is granted.
Stations The Stations property returns the collection containing the list of workstations, from which user access is granted.
TemporaryAge The TemporaryAge property determines a period of use of temporary user account in days.
Token The Token property returns the user mandatory access parameters.

Properties inherited from ISecuritySubject

  Property name Brief description


The Description property determines security subject description.


The DistinguishedName property returns unique name of security subject.


The IsHidden property returns whether security subject is hidden.


The IsNT property returns whether the security subject is a domain security subject.


The LogonHoursPolicy property returns settings of the security subject access to the platform by time.


The Name property determines a security subject name.


The Sid property returns parameters of the security subject identifier.


The Tag property is used to store additional system information about security subjects.


The Type property returns the type of the current security subject.


The UserPrincipalName property returns a domain user name.


  Method name Brief description
ChangePassword The ChangePassword method changes the user password.
GetEffectiveRights The GetEffectiveRights method returns the value that corresponds to the effective access permissions of this user to the repository object.
HasAccess The HasAccess method checks the availability of the user permissions for specific operations with object.
InitCertificate The InitCertificate method returns the certificate selected by certificate storage type and assigns the obtained value to IMetabaseUser.Certificate.

Methods inherited from ISecuritySubject

  Method name Brief description
HasAccessToRepository The HasAccessToRepository method checks is the user or a group of users have effective permissions to repository objects.
MemberOf The MemberOf method returns the collection of the groups, to which the given security subject is included.
MemberOfO The MemberOfO method returns the collection of groups, in which the given security subject is included taking into account defined parameters for getting groups.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces