

IsDeferred: Boolean;


The IsDeferred property returns whether lazy loading of user description is used.


If the property returns True, the user has the attribute of lazy loading of description. The description of such users is not loaded on logging in the repository, which allows for reducing time for connection.

To add an attribute of lazy loading, users created in the security manager should have the corresponding flag selected in the security policy - MetabasePolicy.CreateDeferredSubjects = True. Newly created users will automatically get the IsDeferred = True attribute.

Users with lazy loading of description are also created during BI server work if authorization by means of various service accounts is used: Google, LiveJournal. Temporary users are created who exist as separate records in the system table of the repository. Physical users of the DBMS are not created. For authorization under such users there must be the individual user of the repository who will be used for impersonation. The user requires credentials saved on the BI server.

To get description of the users with lazy loading, use the IMetabaseSecurity.ResolveName, IMetabaseSecurity.ResolveSid methods or search via IMetabaseSecurity.NewSubjectsSearch. The IMetabaseSecurity.ActiveUsers method will also return the DBMS users who are repository users, for whom the attribute of lazy loading is set. After first getting of the description using the specified methods it will also be available in the IMetabaseSecurity.Users collection.


The example of use is given in description of the IMetabaseSecurity.ActiveUsers method.

See also:
