

External: Boolean;


The External property determines whether the new user connected from the server is created.


This property can be changed only when a new user is created in the repository. This property is relevant if a user has already been created on the server, and this user should be included in the list of security subjects of Foresight Analytics Platform.

The actual presence of the user on the server is not checked when the user connected from the server is created.

This flag is also present for the users created during BI server work if authorization by means of various service accounts is used: Google, LiveJournal. Temporary users are created who exist as separate records in the system table of the repository. Physical users of the DBMS are not created. For authorization under such users there must be the individual user of the repository who will be used for impersonation. The user requires credentials saved on the BI server.


The property use is given in the example for IMetabaseUser.ManageDBGrants.

See also:
