

The IMetabaseCache interface contains properties and methods used to work with repository cache.


Access to repository cache is returned by the IMetabase.Cache property.

While working with objects data caching is performed in repository cache for faster access to data. While caching temporary object copies that contain frequently used data are created on the user's computer. If an object has parameters copies are created for each set of parameters with which an object is opened. Data caching is supported by tables, dictionaries, time series databases, and global variables.

Repository cache also stores references on used objects. A reference contains object address in memory but not its data or metadata. References are used to provide interaction between objects in platform kernel and when working with objects in application code.

Repository cache is stored and used within the same repository connection.


  Property name Brief description
SharedValue The SharedValue property returns the current value of a global variable.


  Method name Brief description
Flush The Flush method flushes links of repository object by its key.
FlushAll The FlushAll method flushes links of objects stored in repository cache.
FlushById The FlushById method flushes links of repository object by its identifier.
FlushInstance The FlushInstance method flushes cache of repository object by its key and specified parameters values.
FlushInstanceById The FlushInstanceById method flushes cache of repository object by its identifier and specified parameters values.
GetInstance The GetInstance method returns an object instance from repository cache by key and specified parameters set.
GetInstanceById The GetInstanceById method returns an object instance from repository cache by identifier and specified parameters set.
MetabaseFlush The MetabaseFlush method flushes cache of repository object without flushing of assemblies cache.
MetabaseFlushAll The MetabaseFlushAll method flushes cache of repository objects without flushing of assemblies cache.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces