
Assembly: Metabase;


The IMetabaseUpdateAbacRulesNode interface contains properties and methods of attribute-based access control in the update.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description

The KeepActive property determines saving in the update attribute-based access control structure elements statuses.


The Root property determines element on the first hierarchy level of the attribute-based access control.

Properties inherited from IMetabaseUpdateNode

  Property name Brief description
Condition The Condition property returns the condition, which execution leads to object update.
CustomProperties The CustomProperties property returns the collection of custom metadata of update object.
Enabled The Enabled property determines whether the object should be updated.
Index The Index property returns the update object index.
Key The Key property returns the update object key.
Label The Label property determines an update object name.
NodeType The NodeType property returns the update object type.
ParentNode The ParentNode property returns the parent structure for the update object.


  Method name Brief description

The Add method adds an attribute-based access control structure element with child elements to the update.

Methods inherited from IMetabaseUpdateNode

  Method name Brief description
Prepare The Prepare method prepares the object for update.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces