
Assembly: Metabase;


The IMetabaseOnBeforeLogonArgs interface describes the argument of the event that occurs on repository connection using web service.

Inheritance Hierarchy



The argument is used in the IMetabaseCustomEvents.OnBeforeLogon event.


  Property name Brief description
AdditionalData The AdditionalData property returns additional data that can be used on repository connection.
AllowLogon The AllowLogon property determines whether the user is allowed to connect to the repository.
Credentials The Credentials property returns the credentials that were sent to the web service operation on repository connection.
Handled The Handled property determines whether repository connection will be redefined.
Metabase The Metabase property returns the repository connection created with saved default credentials.
ResultMetabase The ResultMetabase property determines an output connection with the repository, which moniker will be sent to web service.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces