
Assembly: Metabase;


The IMetabaseUpdateKeyMap interface is used to work with a map of keys used for repeated mapping of update objects.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To get a key map, use the IMetabaseUpdateContext.KeyMap property.

A key map is a collection of elements describing object from update and object mapped with it in destination repository. Elements are added to the collection automatically after executing methods of the IMetabaseUpdateContext interface.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of collection elements.
IsEmpty The IsEmpty property returns whether key map is empty.
Item The Item property returns the specified element from the collection.


  Method name Brief description
FindByNewKey The FindByNewKey method searches for object mapping parameters by its key in destination repository.
FindByOldId The FindByOldId method searches for object mapping parameters by its identifier and class in update.
FindByOldKey The FindByOldKey method searches for object mapping parameters by its key in update.
Remove The Remove method removes element from the collection by its index.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces