
Assembly: Metabase;


The IMetabaseUpdateContext interface contains methods for additional update settings.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To get additional update settings, use the IMetabaseUpdate.CreateUpdateContext method.

Depending on which object is updated, the advanced settings include changing the attribute bindings or redetermining the repository objects, to which the objects in the update refer.


  Property name Brief description
KeyMap The KeyMap property returns the map of keys used for repeated mapping of update objects.


  Method name Brief description
RegisterAttributeIdChange The RegisterAttributeIdChange method redetermines identifiers of update object attributes.
RegisterHierarchyChange The RegisterHierarchyChange method redetermines the alternative hierarchy, to which the updated object refers.
RegisterHierarchyChangeO The RegisterHierarchyChange method redetermines the alternative hierarchy, to which updated object refers, taking into account object owner.
RegisterIdChange The RegisterIdChange method redetermines the identifier of the repository object, to which the update object refers.
RegisterKeyChange The RegisterKeyChange method redetermines the key of the repository object, to which the update object refers.
RegisterKeyChangeO The RegisterKeyChangeO method redetermines the key of the repository object, to which the update object refers, taking into account owner.
RegisterNullRemapping The RegisterNullRemapping method determines objects created by means of zero repeated mapping.
RegisterNullRemappingO The RegisterNullRemappingO method executes zero repeated mapping for object taking into account parent object.
RegisterStrChange The RegisterStrChange method redetermines identifiers of update object attributes.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces