
Assembly: Metabase;


The IMetabaseUsersUpdate interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of users, whose information should be updated.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
Callback The Callback property determines an object that handles errors that may occur on updating users.

The Errors property returns the collection of errors that occur on updating users.

ItemSetup The ItemSetup property returns security subject update options.

Properties inherited from IMetabaseUsers

  Property name Brief description
Administrator The Administrator property returns parameters of the user who is the application administrator of the repository.
Attributes The Attributes property returns the user attributes collection.
Count The Count property returns the number of repository users.
Isa The Isa property returns parameters of the user who is the administrator of the information security of the repository.
Item The Item property returns repository user parameters.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds a repository to update list.
AddGroupUsers The AddGroupUsers method includes all users of a group in update list.
AddSubject The AddSubject method adds a subject (a user or a domain group of users) in update list.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces