
Assembly: Metabase;


The IMetabaseUpdateProgress interface contains methods that implement the events that occur during update of the objects in the repository.

Inheritance Hierarchy



The interface should be redetermined in the custom class.


  Method name Brief description
OnAfterApplyCustomObject The OnAfterApplyCustomObject method implements the event occurring after applying custom object update but before it is saved to repository.
OnAskConstraintsHandling The OnAskConstraintsHandling method implements the event that occurs if it is necessary to process the data integrity constraint of the object to be updated.
OnAskReflectRights The OnAskReflectRights method implements an event that occurs before updating the permissions to the objects.
OnBeforeCustomObjectSaveToPef The OnBeforeCustomObjectSaveToPef method implements an event that occurs before custom object is saved to PEF file.
OnContext The OnContext method implements an event that occurs on update with using of advanced settings.
OnError The OnError method implements an event that occurs if the error occurs during synchronization of the repository object with the object in update.
OnNullLinks The OnNullLinksResolve method implements an event that occurs if there are links that are missing in destination repository.
OnProgress The OnProgress method implements an event of the common status of the process of updating/synchronization.
OnResolve The OnResolve method implements an event that occurs if there are dependencies of updating on the source repository objects that are not present in the destination repository.
OnSkip The OnSkip method implements the event of skipping the update element on installing the update.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces