Ms Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
ICalculateModelScheduledTask The ICalculateModelScheduledTask interface is used to work with a task calculating modeling problem in the scheduled tasks container.
IDescStatsBox The IDescStatsBox interface contains properties and methods of the DescStatsBox development environment component.
IDmAssociationRules The IDmAssociationRules interface is used for data mining by means of the Association Analysis method.
IDmAttributesDetails The IDmAttributesDetails interface is used to work with factors used in data mining.
IDmBackPropagation The IDmBackPropagation interface is used for missing data substitution using the back-propagation network.
IDmClusteringDetails The IDmClusteringDetails interface is a basic class that is used to work with data mining clustering methods.
IDmDataSource The IDmDataSource interface is used to work with the data mining data source.
IDmDecisionTree The IDmDecisionTree interface is used for missing data substitution using the decision tree.
IDmDiscriminantAnalysis The IDmDiscriminantAnalysis interface is used for missing data substitution using discriminatory analysis.
IDmField The IDmField interface is used to work with a data source field.
IDmForecasting The IDmForecasting interface is used to perform the Forecasting data mining analysis.
IDmForestDetails The IDmForestDetails interface is used to work with decision tree ensemble settings on data mining.
IDmGradientBoostedTrees The IDmGradientBoostedTree interface is used to set up calculation options of the Gradient Boosting algorithm of the Decision Tree Ensembles method on data mining.
IDmHighlightExceptions The IDmHighlightExceptions interface is used to perform the Exception Search data mining analysis.
IDmKeyInfluences The IDmKeyInfluences interface is used to execute the Key Factors data mining analysis.
IDmKmodesClusterAnalysis The IDmKmodesClusterAnalysis interface is used for data clustering using the K-Modes Clustering method.
IDmLanerDataSource The IDmLanerDataSource interface is used to work with a time series database workbook that is a data source for data mining.
IDmLogisticRegression The IDmLogisticRegression interface is used for missing data substitution using logistic regression.
IDmMethod The IDmMethod interface is used to work with data mining methods.
IDmMethodCrossValidation The IDmMethodCrossValidation interface is used to set up cross-validation parameters.
IDmMethodDetails The IDmMethodDetails interface is used to work with data mining method basic settings.
IDmPivotTableDataSource The IDmPivotTableDataSource interface is used to work with a data table that is a data source for data mining.
IDmRandomForest The IDmRandomForest interface is used to set up calculation options of the Random Forest algorithm of the Decision Tree Ensembles method on data mining.
IDmReport The IDmReport interface is used to work with the report containing data mining results.
IDmReportDataSource The IDmReportDataSource interface is used to work with the regular report as the data mining data source.
IDmReports The IDmReports interface is used to work with the collection of reports containing data mining results.
IDmSelfOrganizingMap The IDmSelfOrganizingMap interface is used for data clustering using the Kohonen self-organizing maps.
IDmTableDataSource The IDmTableDataSource interface is used to work with the data mining table data source.
IDmTargetDetails The IDmTargetDetails interface is used to work with the data analyzed by data mining.
IDmTemplateFillDetails The IDmTemplateFillDetails interface is used to work with missing data substitution methods used in data mining basic settings.
IModelBox The IModelBox interface contains properties and methods of the ModelBox component.
IModelBoxEditObjectEventArgs The IModelBoxEditObjectEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event that occurs when a model opens for edit in the ModelBox component.
IModelBoxPad The IModelBoxPad interface contains panel properties of the ModelBox component.
IModelBoxPads The IModelBoxPads interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the panels collection of the ModelBox component.
IModelBoxUpdateEventArgs The IModelBoxUpdateEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event that occurs when parameters of the model that is displayed in the ModelBox component are changed. The interface is reserved for future.
IModelling The IModelling interface contains methods used to transform variables.
IMs2SLSTransform The IMs2SLSTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine model calculation options by means of the Linear Regression (Instrumental Variables Estimation) method.
IMsAggregationFilter The IMsAggregationFilter interface includes properties used to work with aggregation filter.
IMsAggregationFilterList The IMsAggregationFilterList interface includes properties and methods used to work with the collection of aggregation filters.
IMsAggregationGroup The IMsAggregationGroup interface contains properties and methods used to work with aggregation group.
IMsAggregationGroups The IMsAggregationGroups interface contains properties and methods used to work with the collection of aggregation groups.
IMsAggregationTransform The IMsAggregationTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine calculation options for the model that aggregates or disaggregates data.
IMsArimaTransform The IMsArimaTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine model calculation options using the ARIMA method.
IMsArimaResult The IMsArimaResult interface is used to work with calculation results of the ARIMA method.
IMsAttributesFormulasList The IMsAttributesFormulasList interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of methods for calculating additional model attributes using formulas.
IMsBandpassFilterTransform The IMsBandpassFilterTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of the model using the Baxter-King filter for calculation.
IMsBaseOptimizationProblem The IMsBaseOptimizationProblem interface is a basic class for optimization problem.
IMsBinaryRegressionTransform The IMsBinaryRegressionTransform interface is used to set up model calculation options by using binary choice method (maximum likelihood estimation).
IMsBpfResult The IMsBpfResult interface is used to work with calculation results of the Baxter-King filter.
IMsBranchCase The IMsBranchCase interface is used to work with a condition branch in calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsBranchCaseList The IMsBranchCaseList interface is used to work with the collection of condition branches in calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsBranchCondition The IMsBranchCondition interface is used to work with calculation condition of condition branch in chain of metamodel.
IMsBranchConditionExpression The IMsBranchConditionExpression interface is used to work with calculation condition of condition branch in chain of metamodel. Type of branch calculation condition is expression.
IMsBranchConditionInGroup The IMsBranchConditionInGroup interface is used to work with calculation condition of condition branch in chain of metamodel. Type of branch calculation condition - occurrence in element group.
IMsBranchConditionInSelection The IMsBranchConditionInSelection interface is used to work with calculation condition of condition branch in chain of metamodel. The type of branch calculation condition is occurrence in element selection.
IMsBranchConditionNotEmpty The IMsBranchConditionNotEmpty interface is used to work with calculation condition of condition branch in chain of metamodel. The type of branch calculation condition is that the specified series must contain data.
IMsBranchConditions The IMsBranchConditions interface is used to work with the collection of calculation conditions of condition branch in chain of metamodel.
IMsBranchConditionScalar The IMsBranchConditionScalar interface is used to work with scalar condition of condition branch calculation in chain of metamodel.
IMsBreakpoint The IMsBreakpoint interface contains properties used to work with breakpoint.
IMsBreakpoints The IMsBreakpoints interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the breakpoints collection.
IMsCalculationChainBranch The IMsCalculationChainBranch interface is used to work with a condition in calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsCalculationChainEntries The IMsCalculationChainEntries interface is used to work with the collection of elements, which make up calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsCalculationChainEntry The IMsCalculationChainEntry interface contains properties of metamodel calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsCalculationChainFilter The IMsCalculationChainFilter interface is used to work with the collection of elements calculated by a problem.
IMsCalculationChainFolder The IMsCalculationChainFolder interface contains folder properties in calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsCalculationChainGroup The IMsCalculationChainGroup interface is used to work with a group in calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsCalculationChainIterator The IMsCalculationChainIterator interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with cycle settings in calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsCalculationChainMetaModel The IMsCalculationChainMetaModel interface contains properties of the metamodel contained in calculation chain.
IMsCalculationChainModel The IMsCalculationChainModel interface contains properties of the metamodel contained in calculation chain component.
IMsCalculationChainMultiDimIterator The IMsCalculationChainMultiDimIterator interface is used to work with multidimensional iterator.
IMsCalculationChainSystem The IMsCalculationChainSystem interface is used to work with the system of equations contained in calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsCalculationChainTarget The IMsCalculationChainTarget interface is used to work with the criterion function contained in calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsCalculationChainTargetConstraint The IMsCalculationChainTargetConstraint interface is used to work with criterion function constraint contained in calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsCalculationChainTargetTrajectory The IMsCalculationChainTargetTrajectory interface is used to work with the criterion function trajectory contained in calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsCalculationChainUserOptimization The IMsCalculationChainUserOptimization interface is used to work with the metamodel calculation chain element that corresponds to the custom optimization problem.
IMsCalculationChainUserOptimizationConstraint The IMsCalculationChainUserOptimizationConstraint interface is used to work with a metamodel calculation chain element that corresponds to custom optimization problem constraint.
IMsCalculationChainVariable The IMsCalculationChainVariable interface is used to work with the variable contained in calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsCalculationChainVisualElement The IMsCalculationChainVisualElement interface is used to work with the visual element contained in calculation chain of metamodel.
IMsCalculationHistory The IMsCalculationHistory interface contains properties of modeling problem calculation history.
IMsCalculationLog The IMsCalculationLog interface contains properties of problem calculation log.
IMsCalculationLogRecord The IMsCalculationLogRecord interface contains properties that are used to work with a record in problem calculation log.
IMsCalculationModelTreeNode The IMsCalculationModelTreeNode interface is used to work with the element of the modeling problem calculation tree used as a breakpoint.
IMsCalculationState The IMsCalculationState interface is used to work with the information about the current step of modeling problem calculation.
IMsCalculationStatNodes The IMsCalculationStatNodes interface is used to work with the collection of nodes of calculation statistics tree.
IMsCalculationStats The IMsCalculationStats interface is used to work with modeling problem calculation statistics tree.
IMsCalculationStatsDiff The IMsCalculationStatsDiff interface is used to get information about differences in values of ETL task execution statistic.
IMsCalculationStatsDiffList The IMsCalculationStatsDiffList interface is used to work with the collection containing different statistics.
IMsCalculationTreeNode The IMsCalculationTreeNode interface contains properties that are used to work with a calculation tree element.
IMsCalculationTreeNodes The IMsCalculationTreeNodes interface contains properties that are used to work with the collection of calculation tree elements.
IMsCalendarSettings The IMsCalendarSettings interface is used to work with calendar level parameters.
IMsCensus1Result The IMsCensus1Result interface is used to work with seasonal component calculation results by the Census1 method.
IMsCalculationTree The IMsCalculationTree interface contains properties that are used to work with a modeling problem calculation tree.
IMsCensus1Transform The IMsCensus1Transform interface is used to work with a model calculated by the Census1.
IMsCensus2Transform The IMsCensus2Transform interface determines parameters of the X11 method that is the seasonal decomposition and adjustment method.
IMsChowTestSettings The IMsChowTestSettings interface is used to work with parameters of the Chow Tests diagnostic test.
IMsCointegrationEquationTransform The IMsCointegrationEquationTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of the Error Correction Model method.
IMsCollapseTransform The IMsCollapseTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of the Collapse model.
IMsCollapseTransformationMethod The IMsCollapseTransformationMethod interface contains properties that determine parameters of term transformation using the Collapse method.
IMsCompositeFormulaTerm The IMsCompositeFormulaTerm interface contains properties and methods of a composite term.
IMsCompositeFormulaTermList The IMsCompositeFormulaTermList interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of composite terms.
IMsCompositeFormulaTermSet The IMsCompositeFormulaTermSet interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a set of composite terms.
IMsCompositeFormulaTermSetList The IMsCompositeFormulaTermSetList interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of composite term sets.
IMsControlProblem The IMsControlproblem interface contains properties and methods of optimal control problem.
IMsCrossDimensionAggregationOptions The IMsCrossDimensionAggregationOptions interface contains properties that are used to set up advanced parameters of extended aggregation.
IMsCrossDimensionAggregationTransform The IMsCrossDimensionAggregationTransform interface is used to set up parameters of aggregation, which uses a missing data treatment method and is calculated based on a group, selection, or parameter (extended aggregation).
IMsCumulativeTransform The IMsCumulativeTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of a model that uses cumulative methods for calculation.
IMsCurveEstimationTransform The IMsCurveEstimationTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine model calculation options using the universal trend method.
IMsCustomTerm The IMsCustomTerm interface is used to work with time and dummy variables.
IMsDataBreakpoint The IMsDataBreakpoint interface contains properties that are used to work with a breakpoint that is triggered at a certain value in data.
IMsDataLoadingPeriod The IMsDataLoadingPeriod interface is used to work with parameters of data loading period.
IMsDatePeriod The IMsDatePeriod interface is used to set up a period including two dates: period start and end.
IMsDetermAggregationTransform The IMsDetermAggregationTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of aggregation, which is calculated as a determinate equation.
IMsDeterministicExpression The IMsDeterministicExpression interface is used to set up a formula with effective period.
IMsDeterministicExpressionList The IMsDeterministicExpressionList interface is used to work with the collection of formulas with effective period.
IMsDeterministicTransform The IMsDeterministicTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine model calculation options using determinate equation method.
IMsDFTestSettings The IMsDFTestSettings interface is used to set up parameters of calculation of the augmented Dickey-Fuller test.
IMsDiagnosticTest The IMsDiagnosticTest interface is used to work with diagnostic test of a model.
IMsDiagnosticTestList The IMsDiagnosticTestList interface is used to work with a set of diagnostic tests of a model.
IMsDiagnosticTestResults The IMsDiagnosticTestResults interface is used to work with diagnostic test results.
IMsDiagnosticTestSettings The IMsDiagnosticTestSettings interface is used to work with parameters of diagnostic test execution.
IMsDimAttributesList The IMsDimAttributesList interface is used to set up a chain of attributes, by which parameter values will be created.
IMsDimCustomLinker The IMsDimCustomLinker interface is used to work with custom mechanism of dimension linking.
IMsDimensionFilter The IMsDimensionFilter interface is used to set up parameters of the dimension, by which multiple selection is enabled.
IMsDimensionFilterList The IMsDimensionFilterList interface is used to work with the collection of dimensions, by which multiple selection is enabled.
IMsDimIterateByDataOptions The IMsDimIterateByDataOptions interface is used to set up parameters of iteration by data.
IMsDimIterateByDataStub The IMsDimIterateByDataStub interface is used to work with the data source, by existing points of which iterations are executed.
IMsDimIterateByDataStubs The IMsDimIterateByDataStubs interface is used to work with the collection of data sources, which existing points are used for iteration.
IMsDimIteratorAdvancedFilter The IMsDimIteratorAdvancedFilter interface is used to work with advanced filter in multidimensional iterator dimension.
IMsDimIteratorAdvancedFilterCondition The IMsDimIteratorAdvancedFilterCondition interface is used to work with a condition of advanced filter.
IMsDimIteratorAdvancedFilterConditionGroup The IMsDimIteratorAdvancedFilterConditionGroup interface is used to work with a group of conditions of advanced filter.
IMsDimIteratorAdvancedFilterConditionGroups The IMsDimIteratorAdvancedFilterConditionGroups interface is used to work with a collection of groups of conditions of advanced filter modeling container object.
IMsDimIteratorDimension The IMsDimIteratorDimension interface is used to work with multidimensional iterator dimension.
IMsDimIteratorDimensions The IMsDimIteratorDimensions interface is used to work with the collection of dimensions, by which iteration is executed.
IMsDimIteratorFilter The IMsDimIteratorFilter interface is used to work with dimension filter in multidimensional iterator.
IMsDimIteratorFilteredDimension The IMsDimIteratorFilteredDimension interface is used to work with filtering parameters of dimension, by which iteration is executed.
IMsDimIteratorLink The IMsDimIteratorLink interface is used to work with a linked dimension in the multidimensional iterator dimension.
IMsDimIteratorLinks The IMsDimIteratorLinks interface is used to work with the collection of linked dimensions in the multidimensional iterator dimension.
IMsDimIteratorStubs The IMsDimIteratorStubs interface is used to work with the collection of data sources, to which multidimensional iterator is applied.
IMsDisplayAttributeSettings The IMsDisplayAttributeSettings interface is used to work with attribute display parameters in the string view of expression elements.
IMsDisplayAttributeSettingsList The IMsDisplayAttributeSettingsList interface is used to work with the collection of attribute display parameters in the string view of expression elements.
IMsDisplaySettings The IMsDisplaySettings interface contains properties that are used to work with parameters of object displaying.
IMsECMEquation The IMsECMEquation interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of error correction model equation.
IMsEcmResult The IMsEcmResult interface is used to work with error correction model calculation results.
IMsErrorCorrectionModelTransform The IMsErrorCorrectionModelTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of vector error correction model.
IMsExponentialSmoothingTransform The IMsExponentialSmoothingTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of model calculation using the Exponential Smoothing method.
IMsExpressionEdit The IMsExpressionEdit interface is used to work with properties and methods of the MsExpressionEdit modeling container object.
IMsExpSmootResult The IMsExpSmootResult interface is used to work with calculation results of the Exponential Smoothing method.
IMsExtrapolateResult The IMsExtrapolateResult interface is used to work with calculation results of trend with functional dependency selection.
IMsFillGapsTransform The IMsFillGapsTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine model calculation options using the missing data treatment method.
IMsFindFormulaInfo The IMsFindFormulaInfo interface is used to set formula search conditions.
IMsFindFormulaResult The IMsFindFormulaResult interface is used to work with formula search results.
IMsFindFormulaResultBranchCondition The IMsFindFormulaResultBranchCondition interface provides information about a condition containing the found term.
IMsFindFormulaResultModel The IMsFindFormulaResultModel interface provides information about a model containing formulas with found term.
IMsFindFormulaResults The IMsFindFormulaResults interface is used to work with the collection of formula search results.
IMsForecast The IMsForecast interface is used to work with forecasting series parameters.
IMsForecastingProblem The IMsForecastingproblem interface contains properties that enable the user to set up sample period and forecasting period for a modeling problem.
IMsForecastObject The IMsForecastObject interface is used to work with calculation results of forecasting method.
IMsFormula The IMsFormula interface is used to work with the method used that is to calculate a model.
IMsFormulaExecuteCallback The IMsFormulaExecuteCallback interface is used to work with the object that provides feedback on method calculation.
IMsFormulaGenerationProblem The IMsFormulaGenerationProblem interface contains properties that are used to set up formula generation problem parameters.
IMsFormulaGenerator The IMsFormulaGenerator interface contains basic properties that are used to get information about formulas.
IMsFormulaGenInstanceIterator The IMsFormulaGenInstanceIterator interface is used to work with iterator by the single points, in which calculation by formula was executed.
IMsFormulaGenIterator The IMsFormulaGenIterator interface is used to work with iterator by formulas used in different calculation points.
IMsFormulaGenTerm The IMsFormulaGenTerm interface is used to work with single terms that are used to create formulas.
IMsFormulaGenTermIterator The IMsFormulaGenTermIterator interface is used to work with iterator by the terms used on creating formulas.
IMsFormulaGenTermPoint The IMsFormulaGenTermPoint interface is used to get information about term in a certain calendar calculation point.
IMsFormulaInfo The IMsFormulaInfo interface is used to get information about the formula used for calculation.
IMsFormulaInfoList The IMsFormulaInfoList interface is used to work with the collection containing information about the formulas used for calculation.
IMsFormulaStringGenerator The IMsFormulaStringGenerator interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with generator of model calculation method string view.
IMsFormulaTerm The IMsFormulaTerm interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of expression elements (terms) that are used to set up model equation.
IMsFormulaTermInfo The IMsFormulaTermInfo interface contains properties and methods that are used to set up term parameters.
IMsFormulaTermList The IMsFormulaTermList interface is used to work with the collection of expression elements (terms).
IMsFormulaTermSet The IMsFormulaTermSet interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a set of terms.
IMsFormulaTermTransformationMethod The IMsFormulaTermTransformationMethod interface contains properties that determine parameters of term transformation.
IMsFormulaTransform The IMsFormulaTransform interface is used to set up model calculation options.
IMsFormulaTransformCoord The IMsFormulaTransformCoord interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of coordinate in the variable, by which calculation is executed.
IMsFormulaTransformSelector The IMsFormulaTransformSelector interface contains properties that determine variable slice, for which the method is set up.
IMsFormulaTransformSlice The IMsFormulaTransformSlice interface contains properties of variable slice.
IMsFormulaTransformSlices The IMsFormulaTransformSlices interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of variable slices.
IMsFormulaTransformSlicesTree The IMsFormulaTransformSlicesTree interface is used to work with the tree, which contains all dimensions that can be created in the variable.
IMsFormulaTransformVariable The IMsFormulaTransformVariable interface contains properties that determine parameters of variable in the model.
IMsFormulaTransformVariables The IMsFormulaTransformVariables interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of variables included in the model.
IMsGlobalSettings The IMsGlobalSettings interface contains properties that are used to work with global settings of modeling container.
IMsGrangerTestSettingss The IMsGrangerTestSettings interface is used to set up calculation options of the Granger test.
IMsGreyForecastTransform The IMsGreyForecastTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of model calculation using the Grey forecast.
IMsGreyForecastResult The IMsGreyForecastResult interface is used to with calculation results of the Grey forecast.
IMsHodrickPrescottFilterTransform The IMsHodrickPrescottFilterTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of a model calculated using the Hodrick Prescott filter.
IMsHpfResult The IMsHpfResult interface is used to work with calculation results of the Hodrick-Prescott filter.
IMsInterindustryBalanceTransform The IMsInterindustryBalanceTransform interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the input-output balance model.
IMsInterpolateTransform The IMsInterpolateTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of the Interpolation model.
IMsInterpolateTransformationMethod The IMsInterpolateTransformationMethod interface contains properties that are used to determine term transformation parameters using the Interpolation method.
IMsInversionInfo The IMsInversionInfo interface is used to set up parameters of initial transformation performed on variable.
IMsJohansenTestSettings The IMsJohansenTestSettings interface is used to set up parameters of the Johansen test calculation.
IMsLinearDecompositionProblem The IMsLinearDecompositionproblem interface contains properties of problem of the Forward-Looking Forecasting type.
IMsLinearEquationsTransform The IMsLinearEquationsTransform interface is used to solve a system of simultaneous equations.
IMsLinearRegressionTransform The IMsLinearRegressionTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine model calculation options using the Linear Regression (OLS estimation) method.
IMsLRXFilterTransform The IMsLRXFilterTransform interface determines parameters of the LRX Filter model calculation.
IMsLrxfResult The IMsLrxfResult interface is used to work with calculation results of the LRX filter.
IMsMatrixAggregationTransform The IMsMatrixAggregationTransform interface is used to set up calculation options of the model that performs matrix aggregation.
IMsMedianSmoothingTransform The IMsMedianlSmoothingTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine model calculation options using median smoothing.
IMsMedianSmoothResult The IMsMedianSmoothResult interface is used to work with calculation results of the Median Smoothing method.
IMsMetaAttributeFilter The IMsMetaAttributeFilter interface contains properties and methods of filter based on attributes.
IMsMetaAttributeValue The IMsMetaAttributeValue interface contains properties that are used to work with an attribute.
IMsMetaAttributeValueList The IMsMetaAttributeValueList interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of attributes.
IMsMetaAttributeValues The IMsMetaAttributeValues interface contains properties that are used to work with attribute values.
IMsMetaModel The IMsMetaModel interface contains properties of the Metamodel modeling container object.
IMsMetaModelVisualController The IMsMetaModelVisualController interface is used to support metamodel visual creating.
IMsMethod The IMsMethod interface is a basic one for all model calculation methods.
IMsMethodCalculation The IMsMethodCalculation interface contains properties that determine parameters that are used to calculate a model using a selected method.
IMsMethodSeries The IMsMethodSeries interface is used to work with a set of available series used by method in calculations.
IMsMissingData The IMsMissingData interface determines parameters of missing data treatment method.
IMsModel The IMsModel interface contains properties and methods of the Model repository object.
IMsModelAttributesChain The IMsModelAttributesChain interface contains basic properties and methods to set up attribute chains used by parameters.
IMsModelCalculation The IMsModelCalculation interface contains properties that contains model calculation options.
IMsModelCalculationResult The IMsModelCalculationResult interface contains properties for viewing model calculation results.
IMsModelCalendarBreakpoint The IMsModelCalendarBreakpoint interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a breakpoint, which is triggered by selected calendar calculation point.
IMsModelCoordAttributes The IMsModelCoordAttributes interface is used to set up the current coordinate with attributes chain.
IMsModelList The IMsModelList interface is used to work with the collection of models.
IMsModelParam The IMsModelParam interface is used to work with metamodel parameter.
IMsModelParamAttributes The IMsModelParamAttributes interface is used to set up parameter binding.
IMsModelParamControl The IMsModelParamControl interface contains properties that are used to work with controlled parameter of metamodel contained in calculation chain.
IMsModelParams The IMsModelParams interface is used to work with the collection of metamodel parameters.
IMsModelParamsControl The IMsModelParamsControl interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of controlled parameters of metamodel included into calculation chain.
IMsModelParamValue The IMsModelParamValue interface contains properties that are used to work with metamodel parameter value before starting problem calculation.
IMsModelParamValues The IMsModelParamValues interface is used to work with the collection of metamodel parameter values before starting problem calculation.
IMsModelPeriod The IMsModelPeriod interface contains properties that are used to determine sample and forecasting periods.
IMsModelSet The IMsModelSet interface is used to work with the collection of modeling container models.
IMsModelSpace The IMsModelSpace interface contains basic properties of the modeling container calculation.
IMsModelSpaceCopier The IMsModelSpaceCopier interface is used to copy a modeling container.
IMsModelStringGenerator The IMsModelStringGenerator interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with model's string view generator.
IMsMovAvgResult The IMsMovAvgResult interface is used to work with calculation results using moving average method.
IMsMultiPadPad The IMsMultiPadPad interface contains component panel properties.
IMsMultiPadPads The IMsMultiPadPads interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of panels of various components.
IMsNonLinearConstraint The IMsNonLinearConstraint interface contains properties of criterion function constraint.
IMsNonLinearConstraints The IMsNonLinearConstraints interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of criterion function constraints.
IMsNonLinearControlFormulaTerm The IMsNonLinearControlFormulaTerm interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the term corresponding to controlling variable in optimal control problem.
IMsNonLinearEquationsTransform The IMsNonLinearEquationsTransform interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a system of non-linear equations.
IMsNonLinearRegressionTransform The IMsNonLinearRegressionTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of model calculation, which uses the non-linear regression method.
IMsObjectParams The Ms Assembly Interfaces interface describes the collection of links between modeling parameters and several repository objects.
IMsObjectParamValue The Ms Assembly Interfaces interface is used to work with the link between modeling parameter and repository object parameter value.
IMsObjectParamValues The Ms Assembly Interfaces interface is used to work with the collection of links between modeling parameters and values of repository object opening parameters.
IMsOlsResult The IMsOlsResult interface is used to work with calculation results of linear regression (OLS estimation).
IMsOmittedVariablesTestSettings The IMsOmittedVariablesTestSettings interface is used to work with parameters of the Missing Variables Criterion diagnostic test.
IMsOptimizationFormulaTerm The IMsOptimizationFormulaTerm interface is used to set up expression element parameters (terms) used in an optimization problem.
IMsOptimizationProblem The IMsOptimizationProblem interface is used to set up optimization problem calculation options.
IMsPairCorrelationTestSettings The IMsPairCorrelationTestSettings interface is used to set up parameters of paired correlation coefficients calculation.
IMsParametrizedDimension The IMsParametrizedDimension interface is used to work with a parameterized dimension.
IMsParametrizedDimensionAggregation The IMsParametrizedDimensionAggregation interface is used to set up parametrized dimension aggregation.
IMsParametrizedDimensions The IMsParametrizedDimensions interface is used to work with the collection of parameterized dimensions.
IMsParamProvider The IMsParamProvider interface is used to work with object parameters.
IMsPDLCoefficients The IMsPDLCoefficients interface is used to work with lag variable coefficient.
IMsPDLTermOptions The IMsPDLTermOptions interface returns parameters of the term corresponding to lag variable.
IMsPeriod The Ms Assembly Interfaces interface is used to set up period.
IMsPointwiseCollapseTransform The IMsPointwiseCollapseTransform interface contains properties and methods that set parameters of the Collapse (Pointwise Calculation) model.
IMsPooledModelTransform The IMsPooledModelTransform interface is used to work with panel data regression model.
IMsProblem The IMsProblem interface is used to work with a modeling problem.
IMsProblemCalculation The IMsProblemCalculation interface is used to work with the object calculating a modeling problem.
IMsProblemCalculationCallback The IMsproblemCalculationCallback interface contains methods that implement modeling container events.
IMsProblemCalculationProxy The IMsProblemCalculationProxy interface is used to set up parameters of modeling problem remote calculation.
IMsProblemCalculationSettings The IMsProblemCalculationSettings interface is used to set up problem calculation options.
IMsProblemDetails The IMsProblemDetails interface is used to work with modeling problem calculation options.
IMsProblemDetailsArray The IMsProblemDetailsArray interface is used to work with the collection of problem calculation options.
IMsProblemDimensionFix The IMsproblemDimensionFix interface contains properties of fixed dimensions' collection.
IMsProblemInstance The IMsProblemInstance interface is used to work with opened instance of modeling problem.
IMsProblemPointwiseSettings The IMsProblemPointwiseSettings interface is used to set up pointwise calculation of modeling problem.
IMsProblemScenarios The IMsProblemScenarios interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of modeling problem scenarios.
IMsProblemVariablesReport The IMsproblemVariablesReport interface is used to work with a report on modeling problem variables.
IMsRamseyRessetTestSettings The IMsRamseyRessetTestSettings interface is used to work with parameters of the Functional Form Criterion diagnostic test.
IMsRedundantVariablesTestSettings The IMsRedundantVariablesTestSettings interface is used to work with parameters of the Redundant Variables Criterion diagnostic test.
IMsResultObject The IMsResultObject interface is used to work with method calculation results.
IMsRFormulaTerm The IMsRFormulaTerm interface is used to work with expression element used in the R model.
IMsRTransform The IMsRTransform interface is used to set up parameters of the R model.
IMsScenario The IMsScenario interface contains properties of modeling container scenario.
IMsScenarioDimension The IMsScenarioDimension interface contains methods for working with scenario dimension.
IMsProblemVariablesReport The IMsproblemVariablesReport interface is used to work with a report on modeling problem variables.
IMsScenarioTreeElement The IMsScenarioTreeElement interface contains properties of element of scenarios tree corresponding to modeling container scenario.
IMsScenarioTreeEntries The IMsScenarioTreeEntries interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with scenario tree on a given hierarchy level.
IMsScenarioTreeEntry The IMsScenarioTreeEntry interface contains basic properties of scenario tree elements.
IMsScenarioTreeFolder The IMsScenarioTreeFolder interface contains properties of scenario tree folder.
IMsSelectionControl The IMsSelectionControl interface is used to manage data source dimensions parameters.
IMsSerialCorellationLMTestSettings The IMsSerialCorellationLMTestSettings interface is used to work with parameters of the Godfrey Criterion of Residual Autocorrelation diagnostic test.
IMsSlideSmoothingTransform The IMsSlideSmoothingTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine model calculation options by means of moving average method.
IMsSpliceFormulaTerm The IMsSpliceFormulaTerm interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a spliced series.
IMsSpliceTransform The IMsSpliceTransform interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with parameters of model that splices series.
IMsStochasticMethod The IMsStochasticMethod interface is a basic interface for all stochastic methods of model calculation.
IMsStringGenerator The IMsStringGenerator interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with string view generator.
IMsStubLoadSelectionValue The IMsStubLoadSelectionValue interface is used to work with selection in data source that is used to load data on modeling problem calculation.
IMsStubLoadSelectionValues The IMsStubLoadSelectionValues interface is used to work with the collection of selections in data sources that are used to load data on problem calculation.
IMsStubSelection The IMsStubSelection interface is used to set filter by data source selection.
IMsStubSelectionFilter The IMsStubSelectionFilter interface is used to create a filter by data source selections.
IMsTargetConstraint The IMsTargetConstraint interface is used to work with criterion function constraint.
IMsTargetConstraintCommon The IMsTargetConstraintCommon interface is used to work with criterion problem constraint.
IMsTargetConstraintInfo The IMsTargetConstraintInfo interface is used to work with criterion function constraint value.
IMsTargetConstraintInfoArray The IMsTargetConstraintInfoArray interface is used to work with the collection of values for criterion function constraint.
IMsTargetConstraints The IMsTargetConstraints interface is used to work with the collection of criterion function constraints.
IMsTargetFormulaTerm The IMsTargetFormulaTerm interface is used to set up parameters of expression elements (terms) used in criterion problem.
IMsTargetProblem The IMsTargetProblem interface is used to set up criterion problem calculation options.
IMsTargetVarConstraint The IMsTargetVarConstraint interface is used to work with variable constraint.
IMsTargetVarConstraints The IMsTargetVarConstraints interface is used to work with the collection of variable constraints.
IMsTermOptions The IMsTermOptions interface determines advanced term parameters.
IMsTimeMatrix The IMsTimeMatrix interface is used to work with a matrix.
IMsTransformationProblem The IMsTransformationproblem interface contains properties that are used to set up transformation problem settings.
IMsTransformObject The IMsTransformObject interface is used to work with object used by calculation method.
IMsTransformObjectList The IMsTransformObjects interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of objects used by calculation method.
IMsTransformSeries The IMsTransformSeries interface is used to work with data by basic model series.
IMsTransformStringGenerator The IMsTransformStringGenerator interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with string view generator to calculate parameters.
IMsTslsResult The IMsTslsResult interface is used to work with calculation results of linear regression (instrumental variables estimation).
IMsUnitInfo The IMsUnitInfo interface is used to work with measurement units.
IMsUORuntime The IMsUORuntime interface is used to work with the custom optimization problem calculation context.
IMsUORuntimeConstraint The IMsUORuntimeConstraint interface is used to work with a custom optimization problem constraint.
IMsUORuntimeConstraints The IMsUORuntimeConstraints interface is used to work with the collection of custom optimization problem constraints.
IMsUORuntimeControlTerm The IMsUORuntimeControlTerm interface is used to work with the controlling variable of custom optimization problem.
IMsUORuntimeControlTerms The IMsUORuntimeControlTerms interface is used to work with the collection of controlling variables of custom optimization problem.
IMsUORuntimeCriterionFunction The IMsUORuntimeCriterionFunction interface is used to work with a criterion function of custom optimization problem.
IMsUORuntimeEquation The IMsUORuntimeEquation interface is used to work with the equation that is used to calculate custom optimization problem values.
IMsUORuntimeEquations The IMsUORuntimeEquations interface is used to work with the collection of equations that are used to calculate custom optimization problem values.
IMsUserMethodParam The IMsUserMethodParam interface contains properties of parameter of a model that uses user algorithm.
IMsUserMethodParams The IMsUserMethodParams interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of parameters of a model that uses user algorithm.
IMsUserMethodTemplate The IMsUserMethodTemplate interface contains properties of user method template used in modeling container.
IMsUserMethodTemplateParam The IMsUserMethodTemplateParam interface contains properties of user method template parameter.
IMsUserMethodTemplateParams The IMsUserMethodTemplateParams interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of parameters of user method templates.
IMsUserMethodTemplates The IMsUserMethodTemplates interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of user method templates used in modeling container.
IMsUserOptimizationCallback The IMsUserOptimizationCallback interface is used to determine an algorithm that implements events on custom optimization problem.
IMsUserOptimizationProblem The IMsUserOptimizationProblem interface is used to set up calculation options of custom optimization problem development environment component.
IMsUserTransform The IMsUserTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine model calculation options using a custom method.
IMsUserTransformImplementation The IMsUserTransformImplementation interface implements the method that calculates a model using a custom algorithm.
IMsValueAtRiskBacktesting The IMsValueAtRiskBacktesting interface is used to work with backtesting parameters.
IMsValueAtRiskBacktestingResult The IMsValueAtRiskBacktestingResult interface contains properties that return backtesting results.
IMsValueAtRiskTransform The IMsValueAtRiskTransform interface is used to work with Value-At-Risk model calculation options.
IMsVariable The IMsVariable interface contains properties of the Variable modeling container object.
IMsVariableDimension The IMsVariableDimension interface contains properties of additional dimension of output variable.
IMsVariableDimensions The IMsVariableDimensions interface contains properties and methods of additional dimensions of the modeling variable.
IMsVariableList The IMsVariableList interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the list of modeling variables.
IMsVariableLoadSettings The IMsVariableLoadSettings interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of loading data to variable using a formula.
IMsVariables The IMsVariables interface contains properties and methods of the collection of variables.
IMsVariableSampling The IMsVariableSampling interface contains properties that are used to set calculation step in variable's structure.
IMsVariableStub The IMsVariableStub interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with an abstract data source.
IMsVariableTest The IMsVariableTest interface is used to calculate the descriptive statistic.
IMsVariableTestData The IMsVariableTestData interface is used to work with the variable, for which the descriptive statistic is calculated.
IMsVariableTestDataList The IMsVariableTestDataList interface is used to work with the collection of variables, to which the descriptive statistic is calculated.
IMsVariableTestResults The IMsVariableTestResults interface is used to work with the results of calculating the descriptive statistic.
IMsVariableTestSettings The IMsVariableTestSettings interface is used to set up common parameters of descriptive statistic calculation.
IMsVectorMethod The IMsVectorMethod interface is a basic interface for all series methods of model calculation.
IMsWhiteHeteroskedasticityTestSettings The IMsWhiteHeteroskedasticityTestSettings interface is used to work with parameters of the White diagnostic test for heteroscedasticity.
IMsX11Result The IMsX11Result interface is used to work with calculation results of the X11 method.
IPCABox The IPCABox interface contains properties and methods of the PCABox development environment component.
ITimeSeries The ITimeSeries interface is used to send data series to user calculation method.
IUiModel The IUiModel interface contains properties and methods of the UiModel development environment component.
IValidationComparisonValue The IValidationComparisonValue interface contains properties that are used to work with compared values.
IValidationComponent The IValidationComponent interface is used to work with component series with calculated validation.
IValidationComponentMismatch The IValidationComponentMismatch interface is used to work with validation rule of the Components Deviations Analysis type.
IValidationCorrelation The IValidationCorrelation interface is used to work with validation rule of the Correlation Dependency Analysis type.
IValidationCrossDatabase The IValidationCrossDatabase interface is used to work with parameters of the Compare with Time Series Database validation rule.
IValidationCrossDatabaseMapping The IValidationCrossDatabaseMapping interface is used to work with dimension binding of mapped data sources.
IValidationCrossDatabaseMappings The IValidationCrossDatabaseMappings interface is used to work with the collection of bindings set for dimensions of mapped data.
IValidationCrossFrequency The IValidationCrossFrequency interface is used to work with validation rule of the Compare Frequency Levels type.
IValidationCustom The IValidationCustom interface is used to work with validation rule of the Compare by Expression type.
IValidationCustomDimensionsBinding The IValidationCustomDimensionsBinding interface is used to work with dimension binding.
IValidationCustomMapping The IValidationCustomMapping interface is used to work with mapping of data sources used in validation rule of the Compare by Expression type.
IValidationCustomMappings The IValidationCustomMappings interface is used to work with the mapping collection of data sources used in the validation rule of the Compare by Expression type.
IValidationDateSettings The IValidationDateSettings interface contains properties that are used to determine parameters of validation calculation date.
IValidationDetails The IValidationDetails interface is the basic one and is used to work with validation rule settings.
IValidationExecuteSettings The IValidationExesliceeSettings interface determines validation calculation settings.
IValidationFilter The IValidationFilter interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with validation rule.
IValidationFilters The IValidationFilters interface includes properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of validation filters.
IValidationGroup The IValidationGroup interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a group of validation rules.
IValidationGrowthRate The IValidationGrowthRate interface is used to work with validation rule of the Growth Rate Analysis type.
IValidationLevel The IValidationLevel interface is used to work with validation rule of the Compare with Number type.
IValidationMetaAttributes The IValidationMetaAttributes interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of attributes required to validate data.
IValidationMissingData The IValidationMissingData interface is used to work with validation rule of the Missing Data type.
IValidationMissingMetadata The IValidationMissingMetadata interface is used to work with validation rule of the Missing Metadata type.
IValidationRatio The IValidationRatio interface is used to work with validation rule of the Compare Observations Relations type.
IValidationRevisionComparison The IValidationRevisionComparison interface is used to work with validation rule of the Compare Data Versions type.
IValidationRevisionMetadataComparison The IValidationRevisionMetadataComparison interface is used to work with validation rule of the Metadata Version Comparison type.
IValidationSelectionFilter The IValidationSelectionFilter interface is used to work with the filter limiting series checked by validation rule.
IValidationSelectionValue The IValidationSelectionValue interface is used to work with element of data set used for validation.
IValidationSelectionValueList The IValidationSelectionValueList interface is used to determine a data set used for validation.
IValidationSelectionValues The IValidationSelectionValues interface is used to work with filter element, which limits series checked by validation rule.
IValidationStatisticalOutliers The IValidationStatisticalOutliers interface is used to work with validation rule of the Statistical Outliers Analysis type.
IValidationTrend The IValidationTrend interface is used to work with validation rule of the Compare Trends type used for trend comparison of the specified series.
IValidationUserComponent The IValidationUserComponent interface is used to work with user validation component.
IValidationUserComponents The IValidationUserComponents interface is used to work with the collection of user validation components.

See also:

Ms Assembly Enumerations | Ms Assembly Classes | Examples