
Assembly: Ms;


The IDmField interface is used to work with a data source field.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To get data source field, use the IDmDataSource.Field property.


  Property name Brief description
BinningType The BinningType property determines a method for Binning procedure calculation.
CategoriesCount The CategoriesCount property determines the number of categories, into which data should be divided.
DataSource The DataSource property returns the data source, to which the field belongs.
ExplanatoryType The ExplanatoryType property determines a factor type that affects the analyzed attribute.
FieldType The FieldType property determines a field data type.
Index The Index property returns the field index.
IsNumerical The IsNumerical property returns whether the field contains numeric data.
Name The Name property returns field name.
NonEmptyCount The NonEmptyCount property returns the number of non-empty values contained in the field.
TreatNanAsCategory The TreatNanAsCategory property determines whether missing data is singled out into a separate category.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces