
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsProblemScenarios interface contains properties and methods used to work with the collection of modeling problem scenarios.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To get the collection of scenarios of the modeling problem, use the IMsProblem.Scenarios property.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of scenarios, in accordance with which the problem is calculated.
Item The Item property returns modeling problem scenario.


  Method name Brief description
AddScenario The AddScenario method adds a modeling container scenario to the collection of problem scenarios.
Clear The Clear method clears the list of the modeling problem scenarios.
CopyScenarioData The CopyScenarioData method copies data by the modelling scenarios.
FindByInternalKey The FindByInternalKey method searches for the modelling scenario by the internal key.
FindByKey The FindByKey method searches for a scenario in the collection of modeling problem scenarios.
MoveTo The MoveTo method moves scenarios within the list.
Remove The Remove method removes the scenario from the scenarios collection.
RemoveByInternalKey The RemoveByInternalKey method removes the modelling scenario by its internal key.
RemoveByKey The RemoveByKey method removes the scenario from the collection based on its key.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces