
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsMethodCalculation interface contains properties that determine parameters used to calculate a model using a selected method.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To get model calculation options, use the IMsFormulaTransform.CreateCalculation method.


  Property name Brief description
AllowEmptySelection The AllowEmptySelection property determines whether empty selection is enabled in output variable dimensions.
CurrentPoint The CurrentPoint property determines the point, where the method calculation is executed.
MatrixAggregator The MatrixAggregator property returns an object that contains properties and methods required for data aggregation.
OutputPeriod The OutputPeriod property determines parameters of data downloading period.
ParamValues The ParamValues property returns a collection of the parameter values of problem calculation using the selected method.
Period The Period property returns an object containing settings of sample and forecasting periods, on which the model is calculated.
Variable The Variable property returns a matrix with variable data.
Warnings The Warnings property returns the warnings that occurred at method calculation.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces