
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsFormulaGenTermPoint interface is used to get information about term in a certain calendar calculation point.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To get information about the term, use the IMsFormulaGenTerm.Point property.

If term corresponds to the operand, for which aggregation is set up, or it is obtained using matrix aggregation model, each point will have various values used on aggregation. The number of values can be obtained in the IMsFormulaGenTermPoint.ValuesCount property, values can be obtained in the IMsFormulaGenTermPoint.Value property. The matrix coordinate that corresponds with the value can be obtained in the IMsFormulaGenTermPoint.Coord property.

If aggregation is not used, properties of this interface can be used to get information about the current term value. To do this, use the 0 index in the properties.


  Property name Brief description
Coord The Coord property returns the matrix coordinate for the value with the specified index.
IsInternal The IsInternal property determines whether the point is in the calculation area.
Value The Value property returns term value with the specified index.
ValuesCount The ValuesCount property returns the number of values used on creating a term value.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces