
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsPDLCoefficients interface is used to work with lag variable coefficient.

Inheritance Hierarchy




Before getting the coefficients they must be identified. Use IMsStochasticMethod.Identify.


  Property name Brief description
EstimatesSum The EstimatesSum property returns sum of coefficients.
StdErrSum The StdErrSum property returns sum of standard errors.
TStatSum The TStatSum property returns sum of t-statistic.

Properties inherited from ICoefficients

  Property name Brief description
Estimate The Estimate property returns an array of estimated values of model coefficients.
Probability The Probability property returns an array of values of coefficient probabilities.
StandardError The StandardError property returns an array of values of standard coefficient errors.
TStatistic The TStatistic property returns an array of values of coefficient t-statistics.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces