
Assembly: Ms;


The IValidationCustomMapping interface is used to work with mapping of data sources used in validation rule of the Compare by Expression type.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To work with all mappings, use the IValidationCustomMappings interface.


  Property name Brief description
ExternalStub The ExternalStub property returns external data source used in mapping.
ValidationStub The ValidationStub property returns mapped data source used for validation.


  Method name Brief description
AddBinding The AddBinding method adds binding of dimensions for mapped data sources.
Clear The Clear method clears dimension bindings for mapped data sources.
FindByExternalDimId The FindByExternalDimId method searches for binding by dimension identifier from external data source.
FindByExternalDimKey The FindByExternalDimKey method searches for binding by dimension key from external data source.
FindByValidationDimId The FindByValidationDimId method searches for binding by dimension identifier from mapped data source used for validation.
FindByValidationDimKey The FindByValidationDimKey method searches for binding by dimension key from mapped data source used for validation.
Remove The Remove method removes specified binding.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces