Enumeration | Brief description | |
DmExplanatoryType | The DmExplanatoryType enumeration is used to determine factor type, impacting attribute being analyzed. | |
DmFieldType | The DmFieldType enumeration is used to determine a field data type. | |
DmForecastingMethod | The DmForecastingMethod enumeration is used to determine a forecasting method. | |
DmReportType | The DmReportType enumeration is used to determine a report type with results of data mining. | |
MsAdvancedFilterConditionOperator | The MsAdvancedFilterConditionOperator enumeration is used to determine a comparison operator for filtering condition. | |
MsAgregationMethodType | The MsAgregationMethodType enumeration contains aggregation calculation methods. | |
MsArrangeMode | The MsArrangeMode enumeration is used to determine a mode of autobuilding a metamodel calculation chain. | |
MsAttributeVariabeType | The MsAttributeVariabeType enumeration is used to determine an attribute type. | |
MsAutoPeriodOptions | The MsAutoPeriodOptions enumeration contains the conditions that set a calculation period. | |
MsBinaryRegressionOutputType | The MsBinaryRegressionOutputType enumeration is used to determine a type of values loaded to output and forecasting series for binary regression model. | |
MsBoundFixType | The MsBoundFixType enumeration is used to determine a constraint limit fixation mode. | |
MsBPFOutputType | The MsBPFOutputType enumeration contains components that are loaded after applying the Baxter-King filter. | |
MsBranchConditionComparisonOperator | The MsBranchConditionComparisonOperator enumeration contains comparison operators in the condition of the branch included in the metamodel calculation chain. | |
MsBranchConditionType | The MsBranchConditionType enumeration is used to determine a condition type of the condition branch execution in the metamodel calculation chain. | |
MsBreakpointKind | The MsBreakpointKind enumeration contains breakpoint types. | |
MsCalculationChainEntryType | The MsCalculationChainEntryType enumeration is used to determine a type of the object included in the metamodel calculation chain. | |
MsCalculationDirection | The MsCalculationDirection enumeration contains directions of pointwise calculation mode. | |
MsCalculationHistorySet | The MsCalculationHistorySet enumeration is used to determine parameters of modeling problem calculation logging. | |
MsCalculationLogRecordType | The MsCalculationLogRecordType enumeration contains record types in the problem calculation log. |
MsCalculationOptions | The MsCalculationOptions enumeration is used to determine model calculation options. | |
MsCalculationPeriod | The MsCalculationPeriod enumeration is used to determine a formula actual period. | |
MsCalculationStatsLevel | The MsCalculationStatsLevel enumeration is used to determine drill down of modeling problem calculation statistics. | |
MsCalculationStatType | The MsCalculationStatType enumeration is used to determine a type of calculation statistic. | |
MsCalculationTreeNodeKind | The MsCalculationTreeNodeKind enumeration contains element types in the modeling problem calculation tree. | |
MsCalculationType | The MsCalculationType enumeration is used to determine a calculation mode. | |
MsCalendarMode | The MsCalendarMode enumeration is used to determine a calendar element calculation mode in a table visualizer. | |
MsCasewise | The MsCasewise enumeration is used to determine a missing data treatment method. | |
MsCensus1OutputType | The MsCensus2OutputType enumeration is used to determine a component loaded to the output variable after calculating the Census1 method. | |
MsCensus2OutputType | The MsCensus2OutputType enumeration is used to determine a component loaded to the output variable after calculating the X11 method. | |
MsCointegrationEquationOperandType | The MsCointegrationEquationOperandType enumeration contains cointegration relation groups that include the exogenous variable. | |
MsCollapseType | The MsCollapseType enumeration contains aggregation methods applied to the output variable in the Collapse model. | |
MsCorrectStubPeriod | The MsCorrectStubPeriod enumeration is used to determine action parameters during modeling problem calculation, if its periods are out of data source periods. | |
MsCumulativeMethodType | The MsCumulativeMethodType enumeration is used to determine a cumulative method. | |
MsDateAutoPeriodOptions | The MsDateAutoPeriodOptions enumeration is used to determine the condition, by which period start and end dates are calculated. | |
MsDiagnosticTestType | The MsDiagnosticTestType enumeration is used to determine a diagnostic test type. | |
MsDimSelectionOffsetStartPosition | The MsDimSelectionOffsetStartPosition enumeration is used to determine a type of element offset on setting up a link between data source dimension and data consumer dimension in calculation block or control block is used. | |
MsDisplayAttribute | The MsDisplayAttribute enumeration contains parameters of displaying modeling container objects. | |
MsDisplayParent | The MsDisplayParent enumeration is used to determine a parent element display mode in the string view of expression element. | |
MsEquationIdentifiableState | The MsEquationIdentifiableState enumeration contains equation identifiability criteria. | |
MsFillBoundType | The MsFillBoundType enumeration is used to determine the final date of data loading. | |
MsFillMethod | The MsFillMethod enumeration is used to determine a missing data substitution method. | |
MsFormulaGenerationErrorType | The MsFormulaGenerationErrorType enumeration contains types of errors that may occur on formulas generation. | |
MsFormulaKind | The MsFormulaKind enumeration is used to determine the method that is used to calculate a model. | |
MsFormulaTermType | The MsFormulaTermType enumeration contains term types. | |
MsFormulaTransformVariableKind | The MsFormulaTransformVariableKind enumeration contains variable kinds. | |
MsFrequency | The MsFrequency enumeration is used to determine a calendar frequency of calculations. | |
MsHolidayAdjustment | The MsHolidayAdjustment enumeration contains holiday adjustment types. | |
MsIIBProblemType | The MsIIBproblemType enumeration contains solvable problem types of input-output balance. | |
MsInterpolateType | The MsInterpolateType enumeration is used to determine the interpolation method applied to the output variable in the Interpolation model. | |
MsInversion | The MsInversion enumeration contains initial transformation methods applied to variables. | |
MsInversionLag | The MsInversionLag enumeration contains periods, during which the initial transformation of the variable is executed. | |
MsLevelFormat | The MsLevelFormat enumeration is used to determine the view mode of calendar frequency. | |
MsLinkBehaviour | The MsLinkBehaviour enumeration is used to determine how a link between data source dimension and data consumer dimension works in calculation block or control block. | |
MsLogicalOperator | The MsLogicalOperator enumeration is used to determine a logical statement on joining conditions of advanced filter. | |
MsLvlMethod | The MsLvlMethod enumeration contains transformations used by the Level function. | |
MsMetaAttributeValueType | The MsMetaAttributeValueType enumeration is used to determine a method for setting attribute value, on which the variable is based. | |
MsMethodModifyType | The MsMethodModifyType enumeration contains types of creating an output series. | |
MsMethodPeriodAlignment | The MsMethodPeriodAlignment enumeration contains variants of the method calculation relative to the period. | |
MsMethodSeriesType | The MsMethodSeriesType enumeration contains data series used by the method for calculation. | |
MsMethodType | The MsMethodType enumeration contains types of the method used for calculation. | |
MsModelFormat | The MsModelFormat enumeration is used to determine an object format. | |
MsModelKind | The MsModelKind enumeration is used to determine a model type. | |
MsNonPointwiseCalcMode | The MsNonPointwiseCalcMode enumeration contains methods for calculating matrix aggregation models or aggregation block when pointwise modeling problem or algorithm calculation is used. | |
MsOutputCensus1SeriesType | The MsOutputCensus1SeriesType enumeration contains types of the output series that should be ontained on calculation by the Census1 method. | |
MsOutputSeriesType | The MsOutputSeriesType enumeration contains components obtained after seasonal decomposition and data adjustment by the X11 method. | |
MsPatternType | The MsPatternType enumeration contains types of templates used for interpolation. | |
MsProblemCalculationOptions | The MsProblemCalculationOptions enumeration is used to determine additional parameters of modeling problem calculation. | |
MsProblemCalculationStage | The MsProblemCalculationStage enumeration is used to determine a modeling problem calculation stage. | |
MsProblemRemoteCalc | The MsProblemRemoteCalc enumeration is used to determine modeling problem calculation mode. | |
MsSpliceDirection | The MsSpliceDirection enumeration contains series splice directions. | |
MsSpliceType | The MsSpliceType enumeration contains series splice methods. | |
MsStringGeneratorOptions | The MsStringGeneratorOptions enumeration contains additional settings that are used to generate model names. | |
MsTermTextFormat | The MsTermTextFormat enumeration is used to determine a format of term name view. | |
MsTermTransformationType | The MsTermTransformationType enumeration contains term transformation methods. | |
MsTruncateMode | The MsTruncateMode enumeration contains truncate modes. | |
MsValueAtRiskDistributionType | The MsValueAtRiskDistributionType enumeration contains types of distribution for the financial instrument. | |
MsValueAtRiskMethodType | The MsValueAtRiskMethodType enumeration contains Value-At-Risk model calculation types. | |
MsValueAtRiskTrafficLight | The MsValueAtRiskTrafficLight enumeration contains traffic lights zones. | |
MsVariableDataFillType | The MsVariableDataFillType enumeration contains available types of filling the modeling variable with data. | |
MsVariableKind | The MsVariableKind enumeration contains variable types that must be obtained. | |
MsVariableTestType | The MsVariableTestType enumeration is used to determine a type of descriptive statistic. | |
MsVariableType | The MsVariableType enumeration contains additional parameters of modeling variable. | |
MsWorkbookType | The MsWorkbookType enumeration is used to determine a data type in a workbook. | |
ValidationComparisonOperator | The ValidationComparisonOperator enumeration is used to determine a value comparison operator. | |
ValidationCrossDatabaseMappingType | The ValidationCrossDatabaseMappingType enumeration contains dimension binding types of mapped data sources. | |
ValidationDateOptions | The ValidationDateOptions enumeration contains date calculation methods for validation. | |
ValidationMissingDataSeriesMode | The ValidationMissingDataSeriesMode enumeration is used to determine a loading mode for exceptions found by the Missing Data validation rule. | |
ValidationDetailsKind | The ValidationDetailsKind enumeration determines a validation filter type. | |
ValidationFilterDataOptions | The ValidationFilterDataOptions enumeration is used to determine a method of date registration on calculating validation. | |
ValidationMissingDataType | The ValidationMissingDataType enumeration is used to determine a type of missing data. | |
ValidationRevisionComparisonType | The ValidationRevisionComparisonType enumeration contains types of value modification between revisions. | |
ValidationRevisionMetadataComparisonType | The ValidationRevisionMetadataComparisonType enumeration contains metadata comparison types. | |
ValidationStatisticalOutliersType | The ValidationStatisticalOutliersType enumeration is used to determine an area of statistical outlier detection. | |
ValidationUserComponentKind | The ValidationUserComponentKind enumeration contains kinds of user validation component. |
See also: