

The MsAdvancedFilterConditionOperator enumeration is used to determine a comparison operator for filtering condition.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Equal. Attribute value must be equal to the specified value.
1 NotEqual. Attribute value must not be equal to the specified value.
2 Greater. Attribute value must be greater than the specified value.
3 GreaterOrEqual. Attribute value must be greater or equal to the specified value.
4 Less. Attribute value must be less than the specified value.
5 LessOrEqual. Attribute value must be less or equal to the specified value.
6 Between. Attribute value must be in the specified range of values.
7 In_. Attribute value must be in the specified range of values.
8 StartsWith. Attribute value should start with the string specified in the value. For string attributes only.
9 EndsWith. Attribute value should end with the string specified in the value. For string attributes only.
10 Contains. Attribute value should contain a substring specified in the value. For string attributes only.

See also:

Ms Assembly Enumerations