
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsDimIteratorAdvancedFilterConditionGroup interface is used to work with a group of conditions of advanced filter.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
ConditionJoin The ConditionJoin property returns the logical statement of joining advanced filter group conditions.
Count The Count property returns the number of advanced filtering group conditions.
Item The Item property returns the condition from the advanced filter group by index.
IndexOfCondition The IndexOfCondition property returns the index of the specified condition in the advanced filter group.
Owner The Owner property returns the filter of the dimension, which includes a group of advanced filter conditions.


  Method name Brief description
AddCondition The AddCondition method adds a condition to advanced filter group.
Clear The Clear method removes all advanced filter group conditions.
RemoveCondition The RemoveCondition method removes the specified condition from the advanced filter group by index.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces