

The IMsNonLinearControlFormulaTerm interface contains properties and methods to work with term corresponding to controlling variable in optimal control problem.

Inheritance Hierarchy





To work with optimal control problem, use the IMsControlProblem interface.


  Property name Brief description
LowerBound The LowerBound property determines the lower constraint for the controlling variable.
UpperBound The UpperBound property determines the upper constraint for the controlling variable.
UseLowerBound The UseLowerBound property determines whether to consider the lower constraint for the controlling variable.
UseUpperBound The UseUpperBound property determines whether to take into account upper constraint for the controlling variable.

Properties inherited from IMsOptimizationFormulaTerm

  Property name Brief description
The InitApproximation property determines initial term values.

Properties inherited from IMsFormulaTerm

  Property name Brief description


The Key property returns term key.


The Lag property returns an object that determines the term lag value.


The Serie property returns the array of term values calculated with transformations.


The Slice property determines variable slice corresponding to the given term.


The TermInfo property determines term parameters.


The UnitInfo property returns information about term measurement units.

Methods inherited from IMsFormulaTerm

  Method name Brief description
The TermToInnerText method returns the internal view of term.
The TermToText method returns the name of a term that appears in the list of terms.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces