
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsDeterministicExpressionList interface is used to work with the collection of formulas with effective period.

Inheritance Hierarchy



The formulas collection can be obtained using the IMsDeterministicTransform.ExpressionList property.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of formulas in the collection.
Item The Item property returns parameters of the specified formula.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds a new formula to the collection.
Clear The Clear method deletes all formulas from the collection.
IndexOf The IndexOf method returns collection index for the specified formula.
IndexOfDate The IndexOfDate method returns index of the formula, which is effective on the specified date.
InsertByDate The InsertByDate method adds a formula with the specified expiration date to the collection.
Remove The Remove method removes the formula with the specified index from the collection.
SortByDate The SortByDate method sorts formulas in the collection by expiration date.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces