
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsFindFormulaInfo interface is used to set formula search conditions.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Search conditions are returned by the IMsMetaModel.CreateFormulaFindInfo, ICalcAlgorithm\ICalcAlgorithm.CreateFormulaFindInfo properties. To execute search, use the IMsMetaModel.FindFormulas, ICalcAlgorithm.FindFormulas methods.

The IMsFindFormulaInfo.Stub property must be determined to execute search.


  Property name Brief description
ParametrizedDims The ParametrizedDims property returns the settings of parametric dimensions.
Selection The Selection property determines the selection of dimension elements that will be searched in formula terms.
Stub The Stub property determines a data source, on which searched formula terms should be based.
UseParamDims The UseParamDims property determines whether parametric dimensions in slices will be taken into account in search.
VarKind The VarKind property determines a type of variables, to which the specified data source should belong.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces