
Assembly: Ms;


The IValidationFilter interface contains properties and methods used to work with validation rule.

Inheritance Hierarchy






  Property name Brief description
Details The Details property returns the specific settings of the validation rule.
EndDateSettings The EndDateSettings property determines the end date of calculating the validation rule.
ExceptionsLimit The ExceptionsLimit property determines the threshold number of exceptions loaded by the validation rule.
Kind The Kind property determines the type of the validation rule.
Level The Level property determines the calendar level to calculate the rule.
ParamProvider The ParamProvider property returns an object used to work with validation rule parameters and their values.
Params The Params property returns a set of validation rule parameters.
StartDateSettings The StartDateSettings property determines the start data of calculation of the validation rule.
TreatNonExistingSeries The TreatNonExistingSeries property determines whether validation filter should be executed for non-existing possible series.
UserComponents The UserComponents property returns the collection of user validation components.

Properties inherited from IValidationFilterModel

  Property name Brief description


The Settings property returns validation settings.

Properties inherited from IVirtualMetaObject

  Property name Brief description


The Description property determines object description.


The MetabaseObject property determines a repository object that stores an object.

Properties inherited from INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
Id The Id property determines the object identifier.
Key The Key property returns the object key.
Name The Name property determines the object name.


  Method name Brief description
CreateExecuteSettings The CreateExecuteSettings method creates validation calculation settings.
Execute The Execute method calculates the validation rule.
GetComponentsByFactor The GetComponentsByFactor method returns an array of component series, for which validation was executed for a specified time series.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces