
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsLinearRegressionTransform interface contains properties and methods that determine model calculation options using the Linear Regression (OLS estimation) method.

Inheritance Hierarchy





Least-squares method (OLS) is one of regression analysis methods used to estimate unknown values by results of dimensions containing random errors. This method is also used for approximate representation of the specified function by other (more simple) functions, as well as for handling observations.


  Property name Brief description


The ARMA property returns autoregression and moving average parameters.


The ARMACoefficients property returns estimated coefficients of moving average autoregression.


The AutoSelection property returns the settings used to autofit time series combination, for which the values of identified equation coefficients will be optimal.


The Coefficients property determines an array of values of model equation coefficients.


The CoefUncertaintyInSECalc property determines whether to take into account coefficient uncertainty on confidence limit calculation.


The ConfidenceLevel property determines the confidence limits relevance.


The ConstantMode property determines the mode of setting model constant.


The ConstantValue property determines the value of model constant.


The DiagnosticTests property returns a set of diagnostic tests of the model.


The Explained property returns output series.


The Explanatories property returns an object that contains the collection of terms used in model calculation.


The IsCoefficientsSaved property returns True if model coefficients are saved.


The MissingData property returns an object containing parameters of missing data treatment in the source series.


The PairCorrelationMatrix property returns a real array containing correlation matrix.


The PDLStatCoefficients property returns lag variable coefficients.


The StatCoefficients property returns values of summary statistics calculated for identified equation coefficients.

Properties inherited from IMsMethod

  Property name Brief description
CalculateSeries The CalculateSeries property returns results of model calculation.
InversionInfo The InversionInfo property returns parameters of initial transformation applied to variable.
ObservationsCount The ObservationsCount property returns the number of model observations.
PeriodAlignment The PeriodAlignment property returns type of model calculation relative to period.
Series The Series property returns a set of available series used by current method in calculations.
StatMethod The StatMethod property returns information on statistical method used for model calculation.
Summary The Summary property returns summary statistics calculated for model.
SupportsR The SupportsR property determines whether calculation by R is enabled.
Type The Type property returns type of method used for model calculation.
UseR The UseR property determines whether connection to R is used on method calculation.

Methods inherited from IMsStochasticMethod

  Method name Brief description


The Identify method identifies model equation coefficients.

Methods inherited from IMsMethod

  Method name Brief description
Execute The Execute method calculates model and returns calculation results.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces