
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsStubLoadSelectionValues interface is used to work with the collection of selections in data sources that are used to load data on problem calculation.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To get the collection, use the IMsProblemCalculationSettings.StubLoadSelections property.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of collection selections.
Item The Item property returns the specified selection from the collection.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds a selection for the specified data source to the collection.
Clear The Clear method clears the collection of selections.
FindByStubKey The FindByStubKey method searches the collection selection that belongs to the specified data source.
Remove The Remove method removes selection with the specified index from the collection.
RemoveByStubKey The RemoveByStubKey method removes the selection that corresponds to the specified data source from the collection.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces