
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsMetaModelVisualController interface is used to support metamodel visual creating..

Inheritance Hierarchy



Parameters of the metamodel visual building are returned by the IMsMetaModel.VisualController property.


  Property name Brief description
ChainWorkbook The ChainWorkbook property returns the internal workbook of the metamodel calculation chain.
DFTest The DFTest property returns parameters of calculation of the augmented Dickey-Fuller test.
GrangerTest The GrangerTest property returns parameters of the Granger test calculation.
HasVariableRubricator The HasVariableRubricator property determines whether a metamodel has the internal time series database.
JohansenTest The JohansenTest property returns parameters of the Johansen test calculation.
LevelFormat The LevelFormat property determines the mode of displaying the calendar frequency.
PairCorrelationTest The PairCorrelationTest property returns the calculation options of paired correlation coefficients.
Problem The Problem property determines the modeling problem, which calculates the metamodel.
UseScenarios The UseScenarios property determines whether the scenario modelling is used.
UseSourceName The UseSourceName property determines whether to display data source name in variable names.
VariableDictionary The VariableDictionary property returns the dictionary, containing information about metamodel internal variables.
VariableRubricator The VariableRubricator property returns the internal time series database for the metamodel.
VariableRubricatorDescriptor The VariableRubricatorDescriptor property returns the description of internal time series database for the metamodel.
VariablesTransform The VariablesTransform property returns parameters of internal metamodel.
VariableWorkbook The VariableWorkbook property returns the internal workbook of the metamodel variables.
Workbook The Workbook property returns the internal workbook with the specified data.


  Method name

Brief description
AddFactor The AddFactor method adds the factor to the internal model.
AddInputVariable The AddInputVariable method changes model input variable.
AddJohansenTestExogenousEntrie The AddJohansenTestExogenousEntrie method adds the exogenous variable to the Johansen test calculation.
AddTestIncludedEntrie The AddTestIncludedEntrie method adds the variable to the calculation of the specified descriptive statistic.
AutoCorrelation The AutoCorrelation method performs the autocorrelation analysis of the variable.
CopyScenarioData The CopyScenarioData method copies data by the modelling scenarios.
CreateSimpleModel The CreateSimpleModel method creates an internal model.
CreateVariable The CreateVariable method creates a metamodel's internal variable.
ExtendRubricatorPeriod The ExtendRubricatorPeriod method extends boundaries of the calendar of internal time series database.
FillChain The FillChain method fills the internal workbook with the metamodel calculation chain data by the set scenarios.
FillWithModel The FillWithModel method fills the internal workbook with the model data by the set scenarios.
FillWithTargetConstraints The FillWithTargetConstraints method fills a workbook with data of criterion function constraints.
FillWithTargetProblem The FillWithTargetProblem method fills a workbook with criterion function data by specified scenarios.
FillWithVariables The FillWithVariables method returns the internal workbook with data of specified variables by specified scenarios.
FindChainVariableBySlice The FindChainVariableBySlice method searches for the variable by the slice.
GetFreeVariables The GetFreeVariables method returns the array of variables not participating in models.
GetGroupVariablesData The GetGroupVariablesData method returns data of several variables.
GetVariableByAttrValues The GetVariableByAttrValues method returns the variable corresponding to the series with the specified value of attributes.
GetVariableByFactor The GetVariableByFactor method returns the variable corresponding to the series from the specified time series database.
GetVariableData The GetVariableData method returns the data of the variable by the specified parameters.
GetVariables The GetVariables method returns the array of all variables of the metamodel.
GetVariableValues The GetVariableValues method returns variable values with dates by specified scenarios.
RemoveFactor The RemoveFactor method removes the specified factor from the internal model.
RemoveModel The RemoveModel method deletes the selected internal model.
RenameVariable The RenameVariable method renames the specified internal metamodel variable.
UpdateVariables The UpdateVariables method updates the internal variables contained in the metamodel.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces