

AutoCorrelation(EntryKey: Integer;
    Period: IMsModelPeriod;
    Var ACF: Array;
    Var PACF: Array;
    Var QStatistics: Array;
    Var Probability: Array;
    Var StandardError: Double): String;


EntryKey. Model calculation options.

Period. Calculation period.

ACF. Real-valued array with values of the autocorrelation function.

PACF. Real array with values of the private autocorrelation function.

QStatistics. Real array with values of the Ljung-Box Q-statistic.

Probability. Real array with probability values of the Ljung-Box Q-statistic.

StandardError. Value of standard error.


The AutoCorrelation method performs the autocorrelation analysis of the variable.


If the analysis is successful, calculation results are loaded into ACF, PACF, QStatistics, Probablity and StandardError; otherwise the method returns a text of error.


Executing the example requires that the repository contains a modeling container with the MS identifier, containing a modeling problem with the PROBLEM identifier. This problem must contain the internal metamodel.

Add links to the Metabase, Ms system assemblies.

// Execution of autocorrelation analysis

Sub UserAutoCorrelation;
    mb: IMetabase;
    MsObj: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
    Problem: IMsProblem;
    Period: IMsModelPeriod;
    Meta: IMsMetaModel;
    MetaVisual: IMsMetaModelVisualController;
    VarKey, i: Integer;
    ChainEn: IMsCalculationChainEntries;
    ACF, PACF, QStatistics, Probability: Array Of Double;
    StandardError: Double;
    mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
    // Get modeling container
    MsObj := mb.ItemById("MS");
    // Get modeling problem
    Problem := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("PROBLEM", MsObj.Key).Bind As IMsProblem;
    // Get metamodel
    Meta := Problem.MetaModel;
    // Get calculation period
    Period := (Problem.Details As IMsProblemDetails).Period;
    // Get the first free variable
    ChainEn := Meta.CalculationChain;
    VarKey := -1; i := 0;
        If ChainEn.Item(i).Type = MsCalculationChainEntryType.Variable Then
            VarKey := ChainEn.Item(i).Key;
        End If;
        i := i + 1;
    Until (VarKey = -1Or (i <> ChainEn.Count);
    // If the variable is found then perform the autocorrelational analysis
    If VarKey <> -1 Then
        MetaVisual := Meta.VisualController;
        Debug.WriteLine(MetaVisual.AutoCorrelation(VarKey, Period, ACF, PACF, QStatistics, Probability, StandardError));
        Debug.WriteLine("Values of autocorrelation function");
        Debug.WriteLine("Values of private autocorrelation function");
        Debug.WriteLine("Values of Ljung-Box Q-statistic");
        Debug.WriteLine("Probability value of Ljung-Box Q-statistic");
        Debug.WriteLine("Value of standard error of autocorrelation function");
    End If;
End Sub UserAutoCorrelation;

// Data output procedure
Sub PrintArray(arr: Array Of Double);
Var i: Integer;
    For i := 0 To arr.Length - 1 Do
    End For;
End Sub PrintArray;

Example execution result: if the metamodel contains variables, the autocorrelation analysis will be executed for the first variable, and the results will be displayed in the console window.

See also:
