

JohansenTest: IMsVariableTest


The JohansenTest property returns parameters of the Johansen test calculation


Use the IMsJohansenTestSettings interface to set up calculation options.


Executing the example requires that the repository contains a modeling container with the MS identifier containing a modeling problem with the WEB_PROBLEM identifier. The task must contain the internal metamodel. The metamodel must contain not less than three internal variables.

Add links to the Metabase, Ms, Stat system assemblies.

Sub JohansenTest;
    mb: IMetabase;
    msKey: Integer;
    Problem: IMsProblem;
    Meta: IMsMetaModel;
    MetaVisual: IMsMetaModelVisualController;
    ChainEnts: IMsCalculationChainEntries;
    ChainEl: IMsCalculationChainEntry;
    Test: IMsVariableTest;
    CommonSett: IMsVariableTestSettings;
    InclSrc: IMsVariableTestDataList;
    VarArray: Array Of Variant;
    i, j: Integer;
    TestData: IMsVariableTestData;
    Johansen: IMsJohansenTestSettings;
    TestRes: IMsVariableTestResults;
    Res: Array;
    mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
    // Get modelling container key
    msKey := mb.GetObjectKeyById("MS");
    // Get modeling problem
    Problem := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("WEB_PROBLEM", msKey).Bind As IMsProblem;
    // Get metamodel
    Meta := Problem.MetaModel;
    MetaVisual := Meta.VisualController;
    // Get time metamodels
    ChainEnts := Meta.CalculationChain;
    j := 0;
    VarArray := New Variant[ChainEnts.Count];
    For i := 0 To ChainEnts.Count - 1 Do
        ChainEl := ChainEnts.Item(i);
        If ChainEl.Type = MsCalculationChainEntryType.Variable Then
            VarArray[j] := ChainEl;
            j := j + 1;
        End If;
    End For;
    // Set endogenous variables for test calculation
    For i := 1 To j - 1 Do
        ChainEl := VarArray[i] As IMsCalculationChainEntry;
        MetaVisual.AddTestIncludedEntrie(ChainEl.Key, MsVariableTestType.Johansen);
    End For;
    // Set exogenous variables for test calculation
    ChainEl := VarArray[0As IMsCalculationChainEntry;
    // Set common parameters of calculating the descriptive statistics
    Test := MetaVisual.JohansenTest;
    CommonSett := Test.Settings;
    // Calculation period
    CommonSett.StartDate := DateTime.Parse("01.01.1990");
    CommonSett.EndDate := DateTime.Parse("01.01.2015");
    // Method of missing data treatment
    CommonSett.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.LinTrend;
    // Set Johnsen test calculation parameters
    Johansen := CommonSett As IMsJohansenTestSettings;
    // Determinenbsp;autoregressionnbsp;order
    Johansen.AutoRegressionOrder := "1";
    // Set the type of error correction model
    Johansen.ModelType := ECMType.TrendTrend;
    // Display the information about the tested variables
    InclSrc := Johansen.IncludedSources;
    Debug.WriteLine("Endogenous variables:");
    For i := 0 To InclSrc.Count - 1 Do
        TestData := InclSrc.Item(i);
        Debug.WriteLine("    " + TestData.Name);
    End For;
    Debug.WriteLine("Exogenous variable:");
    InclSrc := Johansen.ExogenousSources;
    TestData := InclSrc.Item(0);
    Debug.WriteLine("    " + TestData.Name);
    // Perform calculation of the test
    TestRes := Test.Execute;
    // Output results
    If TestRes.Error <> "" Then
        Res := TestRes.ResValueMatrix;
        Debug.WriteLine("Johansen test");
        For i := 0 To Res.GetUpperBound(1Do
            Select Case i
                Case 0: Debug.Write("Links: ");
                Case 1: Debug.Write("Eigenvalue: ");
                Case 2: Debug.Write("Maximum likehood ratio: ");
                Case 3: Debug.Write("Critical value is 1%: ");
                Case 4: Debug.Write("   Hypothesis is accepted: ");
                Case 5: Debug.Write("Critical value is 5%: ");
                Case 6: Debug.Write("   Hypothesis is accepted: ");
                Case 7: Debug.Write("Critical value is 10%: ");
                Case 8: Debug.Write("    Hypothesis is accepted: ");
                Case 9: Debug.Write("Probability: ");
            End Select;
            For j := 0 To Res.GetUpperBound(2Do
                Debug.Write(Res[i, j]); Debug.Write(";    ");
            End For;
        End For;
    End If;
End Sub JohansenTest;

Example execution result: the Johansen test is calculated for all variables which are contained in the metamodel calculation chain. The results are displayed in the console window.

See also:
