
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsProblemPointwiseSettings interface is used to set up pointwise calculation of modeling problem.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Pointwise calculation is executed only for problems of the Multithreaded Transformation Problem type, which contain models of the Determinate Equation type.

When a problem is calculated using pointwise calculation, model equation is calculated consecutively in each data point: first, the equation is calculated by the first data point, then by the second one, and so on. This calculation method can be used if current calendar point data depends on the data calculated by the previous calendar point. If a problem contains matrix aggregation models, aggregation cannot be calculated for one calendar point during pointwise problem calculation. Matrix aggregation models can be calculated only before or after pointwise calculation, or their calculation can be optional. To determine a method for calculation of matrix aggregation models, use the IMsProblemPointwiseSettings.NonPointwiseCalcMode property.

For details about pointwise calculation, see the Determinate Equation section. Pointwise problem calculation is similar to pointwise algorithm calculation.


  Property name Brief description
Active The Active property determines whether pointwise problem calculation is used.
NonPointwiseCalcMode The NonPointwiseCalcMode property determines a method for calculating matrix aggregation models when pointwise problem calculation is used.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces