
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsModelSpace interface contains basic properties of the  modeling container.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Modeling container is a repository object used to create mathematical models of some processes (phenomena) and to perform calculations based on these models.


  Property name Brief description
Database The Database property determines a database that will store data of models contained in modeling container.
DefaultObject The DefaultObject property determines times series database where modeling container data will be stored.
EndDate The EndDate property determines the calendar period end date used for calculations in modeling container.
ScenarioDimension The ScenarioDimension property returns the collection of modeling container scenarios as a dimension.
ScenarioTree The ScenarioTree property returns the scenario collection as a tree.
StartDate The StartDate property determines the calendar period start date used for calculations in modeling container.
UserMethodTemplates The UserMethodTemplates property returns the collection of user method templates used in modeling container.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces