
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsDimIteratorAdvancedFilter interface is used to work with advanced filter in multidimensional iterator dimension.

Inheritance Hierarchy



The advanced filter enables the user to select the elements corresponding to the specified condition. To get advanced filter, use the IMsDimIteratorFilter.AdvancedFilter property.

If the filter already has elements specified in one of the IMsDimIteratorFilter.ElementGroup, IMsDimIteratorFilter.ParameterAsGroup, IMsDimIteratorFilter.ParameterAsSelection or IMsDimIteratorFilter.Selection properties, then they are checked for correspondence with the specified condition. If elements are not set, all dictionary elements are checked for correspondence to the condition.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of advanced filtering conditions.
Groups The Groups property returns the collection of advanced filter group conditions.
Item The Item property returns the specified condition of advanced filter.
Owner The Owner property returns the dimension filter that includes advanced filter.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds an advanced filter condition.
Clear The Clear method removes all advanced filter conditions.
Remove The Remove method removes the specified advanced filter condition.
Test The Test method checks an element for correspondence with advanced filter.
TestInternal The TestInternal method checks if element corresponds to advanced filter taking into account specified values of parameters of metamodel.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces