
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsFormulaTermSet interface contains properties and methods used to work with a set of terms.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
SingleTerm The SingleTerm property determines the leading term in the set.

Properties inherited from IMsFormulaTermList

  Property name Brief description
The Count property returns the number of terms in the collection.
The Item property returns a term by its index.
The UnitInfo property returns information about measurement units of the terms collection.

Methods inherited from IMsFormulaTermList

  Method name Brief description
The Add method adds a new term to the collection.
The Cleanup method removes from collection terms that are not used in the model expression.
The Clear method clears the list of terms.
The FindByKey method searches for the term by the key.
The FindByTermText method returns the index of a term in the internal presentation.
The IndexOf method returns the term index in the list.
The MoveTo method moves a term within the collection.
The Refresh method refreshes a collection of terms.
The Remove method removes a term by the index.
The RemoveByKey method removes a term by the key.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces